This is a belated NGD, got this last weekend after winning an Ebay auction.

After having bought my Pagan Gold So-Cal and Black San Dimas both used for $700 I felt as though I maybe paid too much having paid more than a new So-Cal went for, but it came with a hardshell case and the price evened out to about the cost of a new guitar and case...but I totally thought my bid was worth it, I have been looking for a Slime So-Cal for A WHILE now and this guitar is MINT...
Then after I won I saw this which made me feel even better about getting it
I guess these are a really sought after color. When I bought my first So-Cal I decided between Candy Green and Slime and picked the Candy and even though I love my Candy too, I have always been kicking myself for choosing and not just buying both when I easily could have...and now I have both

And here is a family shot of my Charvels

One thing I noticed that is kind of odd about the Slimes is that the Charvel logo is in a slightly different spot than my other 3 Charvels. It's hard to see in the family shot because the sunlight washed out the logo on the Slime in my crappy cell phone shot, but you can see it in the pick with both greens and it is the same on the Slime in the link as well. Any idea why? Maybe cause it was "The Last Batch"?
And getting the Slime had me bit by the Green Guitar Bug again so I got this one Friday
I hadn't bought a guitar in a year and a half because my funds were tied up in something else all last year and this is a leftover 2013 that was on closeout so I said F IT!!! and grabbed it too, know it's not a Charvel but it is green and has a strathead

A Jade Pearl Metallic Fender Strat. This color is kind of deceiving, it doesn't look as green in person as in photos and almost looks gold in person, but I really dig it.

After having bought my Pagan Gold So-Cal and Black San Dimas both used for $700 I felt as though I maybe paid too much having paid more than a new So-Cal went for, but it came with a hardshell case and the price evened out to about the cost of a new guitar and case...but I totally thought my bid was worth it, I have been looking for a Slime So-Cal for A WHILE now and this guitar is MINT...
Then after I won I saw this which made me feel even better about getting it
I guess these are a really sought after color. When I bought my first So-Cal I decided between Candy Green and Slime and picked the Candy and even though I love my Candy too, I have always been kicking myself for choosing and not just buying both when I easily could have...and now I have both

And here is a family shot of my Charvels

One thing I noticed that is kind of odd about the Slimes is that the Charvel logo is in a slightly different spot than my other 3 Charvels. It's hard to see in the family shot because the sunlight washed out the logo on the Slime in my crappy cell phone shot, but you can see it in the pick with both greens and it is the same on the Slime in the link as well. Any idea why? Maybe cause it was "The Last Batch"?
And getting the Slime had me bit by the Green Guitar Bug again so I got this one Friday

I hadn't bought a guitar in a year and a half because my funds were tied up in something else all last year and this is a leftover 2013 that was on closeout so I said F IT!!! and grabbed it too, know it's not a Charvel but it is green and has a strathead

A Jade Pearl Metallic Fender Strat. This color is kind of deceiving, it doesn't look as green in person as in photos and almost looks gold in person, but I really dig it.