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Charvel San Dimas reissue, convert from V-Trem to Floyd?

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  • Charvel San Dimas reissue, convert from V-Trem to Floyd?


    Anyone done this? How would it look on the headstock?
    I'm considering this, most due to the tuning issues with the pointy head and the v-trem.
    I know it can be ok, but I do not find it to be good enough.

    I could sell it, but I love the feel of the guitar, and the neck is unbelievable, so I would like to hold on to it.

  • #2
    the head stock is easy if you use a Kahler behind the nut lock. if you use a Floyd locking nut you will need to fashion a wedge and glue it to the neck to level the nut area. the screw holes for the v trem are a little tough to hide if you do not do a refin.


    • #3
      Or just get a set of Sperzel locking tuners.


      • #4
        Sell it, and use the proceeds to buy a Floyd'd version. That would probably cost just about the same as the mods, in the end. Maybe less. And the necks were very consistent on these, so you'll very likely get that same feel.


        • #5
          Thanks for the replies guys

          I will look into the Kahler, seems like the best option if I convert it.
          Will the locking tuners really do that much difference?

          I was thinking about selling it, but here in Norway Charvels are really hard to sell for any kind of money, and the odds of finding a new one is not very good, this is the only one I've seen out there since the retailers had some in stock 10 years ago. I've seen a few on ebay, but those whrere quite expensive.


          • #6
            On a tilt back head stock there is a lot of friction at the nut because of the string angle, locking tuners may help but I do not think they would work better then a behind the nut lock that is set up properly. the big advantage with locking tuners imo is string change time. If you can string standard tuners correctly locking tuners don't make much difference in stability imo.


            • #7
              That's what I thought.
              Well, I will give it some thought. I guess the operation and parts will set me back half a Floyded one, so I will keep a look out. Maybe I can find the one I seek, a Ferrari red one with maple neck, one hum and FR

              By the way, won't a Floyd cover up the holes from the V-trem? I though the Floyd would do that well. The v-trem is smaller in size..
              Last edited by Slashaxl; 10-11-2015, 01:41 PM.


              • #8
                it will be over the holes, but all I have seen it shows.


                • #9
                  I would try to avoid modifying your guitar. I know we're talking "just" about a reissue here but I've seen too many San Dimas Charvels that have been converted to Floyds or Kahlers by more or less talented craftsmen. Not always to the better. As said above, I can state that these reissues have quite similar necks and are generally very nice Charvel pointies that play and sound just awesome when set up right. I'd go for a floyded version just like this tasty one that is currently for sale here in northern Germany. It has been listed for quite some time already. You might negotiate a good deal.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Hamburger View Post
                    I would try to avoid modifying your guitar. I know we're talking "just" about a reissue here but I've seen too many San Dimas Charvels that have been converted to Floyds or Kahlers by more or less talented craftsmen. Not always to the better. As said above, I can state that these reissues have quite similar necks and are generally very nice Charvel pointies that play and sound just awesome when set up right. I'd go for a floyded version just like this tasty one that is currently for sale here in northern Germany. It has been listed for quite some time already. You might negotiate a good deal.

                    That is the perfect one, except for the color, not a huge fan of blue guitars, but I will consider it.
                    A bit expensive though. I paid about 350 euros for mine. Well, I will follow it for a while and see. Thank you


                    • #11
                      Roller nut?

