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Fake or real? Charvel 90s Custom- evil bay listing

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  • Fake or real? Charvel 90s Custom- evil bay listing

    Hi everyone,

    Browsing through evil bay I came across a listing for what is supposed to be a Custom Charvel from the 90’s. For some reason the guitar screams mutt to me, but wanted to double check as I am not well versed in Charvels. Thanks in advance for your help ID’ing this guitar.

  • #2
    My vote would be MUTT!


    • #3
      I love the tactic... "I have been asked questions I can't answer, So I think I should raise the price"
      A few Charvels, a bunch of Jacksons, JVM full stack, valve king half stack and an 4000 watt PA for a home stereo, my neighbors love me....


      • #4
        A headsock with his cox? Take my money!!


        • #5
          Thanks for all the replies. Clearly one to stay away from. 21 fret neck and recessed FR does look a bit odd. Also the blank neck plate does not fit his claim of the guitar being from the 90s


          • #6
            I think Billz should buy this so he will have a hiscox case to go with the hispud case he already has. Lol.


            • #7
              I was thinking MIJ at first, I'm vaguely aware that a 21 fret was built at some point in the early 00's, but headstock ball shape looks off, the 12 fret dots look slightly too wide, the volute looks off and it would have a non-US market plate.

              Looks like a decent guitar for the current price though.
              The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.

