Question for the masses: Is it me or does it seem like the Charvel inventories of the more "popular" dealers (DCGL, WWG, MM, EG) are either still carrying the same inventory or are completely deleted of anything? If true, is it due to the 30 and 40-something's being the main demographic for these guitars? (I know I fit in there! [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]).
I was also reading in the jackson/charvel section that many of the requests to the jackson/charvel guys is to get endorsees who appeal to a "younger" crowd, and endorsees who can actually play (and possess the chops that the guitarists that us 30 and 40-something's idolize/respect)
I was also reading in the jackson/charvel section that many of the requests to the jackson/charvel guys is to get endorsees who appeal to a "younger" crowd, and endorsees who can actually play (and possess the chops that the guitarists that us 30 and 40-something's idolize/respect)