I know there are already 2 post for the EVH guitars, but since this a a mix of the 2 I thought I would start a new one. I received my RWB EVH production series today. I was quite suprised when I opened it, the colors seemed alot less vibrant than I expected. It had been posted here from one of the guys a WWG, that they were told that they shouldn't have recieived a RWB guitar when they got their shipment in, something to the nature that Ed was not happy with the way they turned out. I was aware of this when I found #55 but ordered it anyway to match the Hand Striped WB #55 I have. Here is the thing when you look at the guitar you can see tape marks all over it(where the layers of paint were sprayed over) and there is alot of running of the paint. Granted if you stand a foot or 2 away your not going to see it. My question is do you guys think this is how it was supposed to look or as was stated before they F**CKED UP the paint on these. If so what should I do, I really want to keep #55, but does it really make a difference later if the paint on this one or other early RWB don't match later models paint. I know this is kind of petty, but I would think on a $2000+ guitar the paint should be perfect. Anyways here are the pics, be warned they are on a average almost 3 megs each.