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New Standard San Dimas vs Retro Bullseye

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  • #31
    Re: New Standard San Dimas vs Retro Bullseye

    Exactly my point, Kev. Thanks for saying it better than I could. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

    Along a similar vein, I'm reminded of the other conversation of folks not liking the newer toggle switches or use of chrome tuning pegs. If that had happened in 1984, no one would've thought a minute about it. As we all know, the "standard" specs evolved over time and/or they used whatever was available at hand. But now they're not "allowed" to evolve even a couple of those little details. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] With the return of the 3D plates now, they're - what? - 90 or 95% correct to the originals? Enjoy it guys! I'm loving mine. [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]


    • #32
      Re: New Standard San Dimas vs Retro Bullseye

      Hey guys, I am sorry for stirring up the neck profile debates again. Very interesting discussion though.

      I have never played a Charvel before and I would like to get one. Unfortunately, I live in the middle of "nowhere in guitar land." The only Charvel I have been able to find is a 2 hour drive away. Since it does not look like I will able to give either guitar a test run, I was looking to see if anyone had the opportunity to play both guitars and what they thought the strengths and weakness of each was - not necessarily which guitar was closet to the originals.

      Just to make sure I understand things here - the new San Dimas Standards, which are pointy, are very close to the original pointy San Dimas in neck shape and feel. The pointy necks of old did not very greatly in production. The strat heads, on the other hand, had a greater degree of variation in neck shape in original production. So today's strat head necks may not be exactly like every other strat head neck from original production, and are most likley different from pointies to begin with.

      So, if that is the case, maybe my question of a direct comparison between the two is not really fair. It is kind of an apple vs. oranges thing.
      Jackson: DK1
      Charvel: CS (CSB), SD (RGF), SD (Bullseye), SD '83 (HRF)


      • #33
        Re: New Standard San Dimas vs Retro Bullseye

        I'd say thats a safe assumption and your not stirring anything this has been a hot debate for a while.

        A few years ago there were a run of 30 black and white bullseyes that were done based off the san dimas pointy profile. Every one of those collectors felt that this guitar nailed the feel of the original. My understanding is the san dimas standard has that profile so if that is what you are after then it's there. that guitar has a 1 11/16 nut width... There are some pointy customs floating around, I think Wild West ordered theirs with 1 3/4 nuts which will feel much different than the standard... hope this helps
        Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


        • #34
          Re: New Standard San Dimas vs Retro Bullseye

          Kev, a buyer told me he measured his custom from WWG, and it was actually the standard 11/16ths. Probably all just related to the typo in the 2004 Price List, which erroneously listed pointyhead nut widths as 1 & 3/4.


          • #35
            Re: New Standard San Dimas vs Retro Bullseye

            [ QUOTE ]
            Along a similar vein, I'm reminded of the other conversation of folks not liking the newer toggle switches or use of chrome tuning pegs. If that had happened in 1984, no one would've thought a minute about it. As we all know, the "standard" specs evolved over time and/or they used whatever was available at hand. But now they're not "allowed" to evolve even a couple of those little details. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] With the return of the 3D plates now, they're - what? - 90 or 95% correct to the originals? Enjoy it guys! I'm loving mine. [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

            [/ QUOTE ]

            Interesting....actually chrome tuners were during the original production as were two different styles of toggle switches..the point though is that this was during the ORIGINAL run and these NEW guitars are a re-issue (or reintroduction) trying to capture what people loved about the old ones.

            I am willing to bet if Fender made a two Strat head guitars that were identical EXCEPT one had a neck close to what "I" am typically used to in feel, shape, playability and with era correct tuners and toggles and the other identical except it had the "new" neck profile, chrome tuners and new toggle would be a no-contest. People would buy what the remember seeing/playin/wanting in the day...the correct reissue would out sell for sure.

            I already have bought 2 new pointies, planning a custom order and will probably pick another couple yet I ahve no NEW strat heads. why? The poinites are awesome and feel exactly like the originals whereas I don't get that vibe fram the new Strat heads.

            Another point, IF the 24th Anniv had a neck profile more closely resembling what many of us call the original (and with black neck dots) I am thinking they would have all sold. Same thing with the red/white Bulls Eye..I think it looks awesome but the neck will keep some people away. I love to have that red/white with a pointy!!!!

            But regardless of the petty deatils I for one am happy to see Charvels back and am loving the pointies. I am sure with time the Strat heads will be back too....anyway jsut my opinion of course.
   - info, pics and Charvel guitar discussion board. All things Charvel
            My Charvel guitars - always one away from too many!


            • #36
              Re: New Standard San Dimas vs Retro Bullseye

              [ QUOTE ]
              Kev, a buyer told me he measured his custom from WWG, and it was actually the standard 11/16ths. Probably all just related to the typo in the 2004 Price List, which erroneously listed pointyhead nut widths as 1 & 3/4.

              [/ QUOTE ]

              Seriously?? I've been jonesing for the chlorine
              Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


              • #37
                Re: New Standard San Dimas vs Retro Bullseye

                [ QUOTE ]
                IF the 24th Anniv had a neck profile more closely resembling what many of us call the original (and with black neck dots) I am thinking they would have all sold. Same thing with the red/white Bulls Eye..I think it looks awesome but the neck will keep some people away. I love to have that red/white with a pointy!!!!

                [/ QUOTE ]

                I don't disagree, Tracy. It's all semantics, basically. But important semantics. IMHO, it's somewhat disingenious to say they're "not true" to the originals - it's just a different version. If they were a "different true" profile, would they sell more? You might be right. But I suspect the sales volume has more to do with the combination of high pricing and that they've all been the least versitile layout possible - single hum and vintage trem. Nonethless, they've been fairly successful, anyway. We're just specualting on how they might be more successful, etc.

                Oh, and BTW, did you look through the 2005 Price List yet? They're now offering exactly what you asked for - the R&W bullseye is currently available on a USA Standard pointyhead. [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

                [ QUOTE ]
                Seriously?? I've been jonesing for the chlorine

                [/ QUOTE ]

                Yep, positively. He measured it himself, and told me it was 11/16ths, as suspected. If you go for one and have a strong preference, though, I'd ask for a confirming measurement before buying. ...Who knows? Maybe some are and some aren't. I highly suspect they're all 11/16ths, though. ...And didn't you just buy a chlorine SL, anyway? [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]


                • #38
                  Re: New Standard San Dimas vs Retro Bullseye

                  [ QUOTE ]
                  ...they didn't make actual templates tho...

                  [/ QUOTE ]

                  Which is probably exactly why the profiles aren't the same as most(notice I said most!!)old SD strathead necks,having a non-player,no matter how great a builder he is(& Mike is the absolute undisputed best in the business!!)simply "feel" a neck can't possibly guarantee a spot on correct profile/shape!!

                  Again,only an opinion,as Chris said,if you like the neck & feel it's worth the price,buy one & love it for what it is,I just don't feel the necks are right(IMO!!)& it's just not a $2k plus guitar to me,I'd rather spend that kinda $$ on a real old one!!


                  • #39
                    Re: New Standard San Dimas vs Retro Bullseye

                    hey chuck - if you find a "real" old one for 2k - let me know. I'de love to be in that action......


                    • #40
                      Re: New Standard San Dimas vs Retro Bullseye

                      Me too! LOL [img]/images/graemlins/poke.gif[/img]

                      Reading this, I was going to say something about the feel of the new s-heads vs. another reasonably well known boutique manufacturer, but I have said it before and the usual suspects have slammed me for it, and while I understand the political reasons why, I still say that if fender wanted to make them the way most of us feel is "right", they could have, but for whatever reason they did not!

                      Nuff said!
                      "I''ll say what I'm gonna say, cuz I'm going to Hell anyway!"


                      • #41
                        Re: New Standard San Dimas vs Retro Bullseye

                        [ QUOTE ]
                        hey chuck - if you find a "real" old one for 2k - let me know.

                        [/ QUOTE ]

                        ok,I've bought every one of mine for under $2K!!

