Bought this from a friend. This is actually not the original neck but it still is a Charvel neck - just from a different Charvel guitar.
It has an Aero Instrument pick up in it - the best pick up made bar none IMO. Not a very well know pup company but the best pups I have every heard. They are about $160 each.
Anyway, the guitar is a little beat up- cracks in the finish around where the Floyd Rose is installed, finish is dull.
Action is a little high and I am afraid to lower the Floyd for fear of cracking the paint - but the heigth is OK because it is great for keeping my fingers in shape and I can still play fast as hell when I am warmed up on it.
The reason I bought it is because this is one of those magical sounding guitars that you run into a couple times in your life. This thing sparkles and when I heard it I could not resist. Tone Tone Tone!
I keep this as a practice and travel guitar because the strings are high and the finish is beat up. But it is a good guitar and is one of those magically sounding tone machines that comes along every now and then.
It has an Aero Instrument pick up in it - the best pick up made bar none IMO. Not a very well know pup company but the best pups I have every heard. They are about $160 each.
Anyway, the guitar is a little beat up- cracks in the finish around where the Floyd Rose is installed, finish is dull.
Action is a little high and I am afraid to lower the Floyd for fear of cracking the paint - but the heigth is OK because it is great for keeping my fingers in shape and I can still play fast as hell when I am warmed up on it.
The reason I bought it is because this is one of those magical sounding guitars that you run into a couple times in your life. This thing sparkles and when I heard it I could not resist. Tone Tone Tone!
I keep this as a practice and travel guitar because the strings are high and the finish is beat up. But it is a good guitar and is one of those magically sounding tone machines that comes along every now and then.
