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  • #76
    Re: I\'ve had it cleaned and repaired

    actually, yes he did solicit offers, and even if it were ebayed, it would have stayed in "the family" so to speak. and yeah, i know we can't prevent a lot of things.
    Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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    • #77
      Re: I\'ve had it cleaned and repaired

      Unfortunately some people won't understand the practicality of this rule until someone loses his/her ass for ignoring it. And trust me, I'm sure when that happens, we'll all quote Flava Flav when we say, "Can't do nothin for ya man..."
      Occupy JCF


      • #78
        Re: I\'ve had it cleaned and repaired

        [ QUOTE ]
        actually, yes he did solicit offers, and even if it were ebayed, it would have stayed in "the family" so to speak. and yeah, i know we can't prevent a lot of things.

        [/ QUOTE ]

        OK, I can't help myself. I re-read all of the posts. He had people offering to buy it from the get-go. He had people suggesting he E-Bay it from the get-go. He said he was leaning towards selling it, he never mentioned an avenue for that sale. He didn't ask for offers, although he was getting them. I saw him struggling with a decision to keep it or sell it...until the big gun stepped up and made him an offer he couldn't refuse. It was all done behind closed doors and I don't think for a minute he was trying to circumvent any rules...just learn about his guitar.

        I think in the end, he is happy to have a jackpot wad of cash for a guitar he bought for the price of a few good Martinis...and Tracy is happy to add another treasure to the collection.

        Is that really a harmful outcome?

        Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


        • #79
          Re: I\'ve had it cleaned and repaired

          There's a bigger picture you're not seeing. If this guy took someone for a grand or two, all of you would be screaming for this guy's head on a platter in the name of the JCF brotherhood. (which makes me laugh because of the players involved)

          Look at it this way, every time you speed you're not going to kill someone, but statistics show that when you speed the likelihood of killing someone increases. Hence the law. When you get caught for speeding you get a ticket. Get too many tickets or if you speed under extenuating circumstances you get your license revoked.
          Occupy JCF


          • #80
            Re: I\'ve had it cleaned and repaired

            hey mike?

            i know more than you do on this one. let's let it go, k?
            Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
            Sully Guitars on Facebook
            Sully Guitars on Google+
            Sully Guitars on Tumblr


            • #81
              Re: I\'ve had it cleaned and repaired

              post deleted.

              Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


              • #82
                Re: I\'ve had it cleaned and repaired

                [ QUOTE ]
                hey mike?

                i know more than you do on this one. let's let it go, k?

                [/ QUOTE ]


                Mike out.
                Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


                • #83
                  Re: I\'ve had it cleaned and repaired

                  I saw no struggle. He handled himself like a seasoned pro. This was a sale plain and simple
                  It's not a competition, it's a community


                  • #84
                    Re: I\'ve had it cleaned and repaired

                    Eeesh.. just remembered this thread and came back to check in on it. I want to apologize for any forum rule breaking. I know none of it was directly my doing, but I feel partially responsible by directing kurt here. I'm glad it worked out happily as far as no one getting scammed.

