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Value of original Charvels vs. USA reissues...

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  • #16
    Re: Value of original Charvels vs. USA reissues...

    I dunno, what people are saying makes sence. I think the re-issues affects str@t heads and pointys differently. I think that original s-heads will hold value and increase no matter what fender does or not. Mojo etc. and the collectors drive that market and if anyone starts dumping SD s-heads for any reason, there are a minimum of 30 people ready to step in and pay for them.

    I think that the old SD pointy's should level off in price, especally if more re-issues get out there based on the quality and accuracy of the new work (and I think the floyd vs. kalher thing has a lot to do with it actually as many SD chavies take a hit in value in the eyes of many if it has a kalher unless it has a super cool top/graphic - I like kahlers but would shy away from getting another guitar with one unless it was a "must" have). However, right now it is generally possible to get an SD pointy for cheaper than a comparably equiped new one (IF and I stress IF you find an SD for sale) and I think the SDs are going to catch up before leveling off.

    My $0.02
    "I''ll say what I'm gonna say, cuz I'm going to Hell anyway!"


    • #17
      Re: Value of original Charvels vs. USA reissues...

      Look around. Everything is going up. It's just a question of how fast and how far. JMO Dana


      • #18
        Re: Value of original Charvels vs. USA reissues...

        $2200+ for a new pointy, $7-800 for an old one with "mojo"... Guess which one I would go after! [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

