I have been checking out Eddyrox posting his Dam EVH Charvels with reviews the last couple of weeks, Saw him get into it with people on other forums over his love for these. So I decided to joing the bandwagon and put up my EVH pics.
EVH WB-#55 Hand Striped(San Antonio)
EVH RWB-#0455(Screwed up Orange Color)
EVH BY-#0485(Perfect)

Followed by my EBMM EVH Sunburst made in 92.
Wolfgang 1st year Quilt in Tobacco
Then Rosewood Axis(threw it in for good measure)

EVH WB-#55 Hand Striped(San Antonio)
EVH RWB-#0455(Screwed up Orange Color)
EVH BY-#0485(Perfect)

Followed by my EBMM EVH Sunburst made in 92.
Wolfgang 1st year Quilt in Tobacco
Then Rosewood Axis(threw it in for good measure)
