OK, I had to sell my 650XL a few months back, but am now back to a level keel again and am looking to replace the old axe with something a little nicer, as in a USA model. I am playing my american deluxe strat almost exclusively over my LP standard these days and really have gotten into its sound and neck, but want something more metal. Also I really dig the brightness of a good maple neck. What I am looking for is obviously a maple neck, any headstock shape is cool, one hum (B) would be ideal, but as long as it has at least that, I would be cool with maybe another pup as well. Bolt on would be best, I really have gotten to dig that lately. I don't like recessed trems at all, I like to block mine as I rest my hand on it. What current model or older models would you consider that would meet these criteria? Any other suggestions are cool, I am interested in others ideas. Finish wise, I dont dig the flame/quilt tops. I am looking for a player. Nothin purty for me. This axe is gonna get wrung out.