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Just played the 25th Ann. "Charvel" (not impressed) .....

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  • #31
    Re: Just played the 25th Ann. \"Charvel\" (not impre
    AUDIOZONE.DK - a guitar site for the Jackson and Charvel fan


    • #32
      Re: Just played the 25th Ann. \"Charvel\" (not impre

      Um, been away for awhile, sorry. I did not mean to imply the 25th sucked, because it doesn't, in fact it's very cool and there is a good chance I'd buy the one I played if I can get my price (which I think I can) otherwise I'll buy a SD standard they are releasing. Part of my post earlier was based on a comparison sametime/sameday of it, my gmw hrf and a Fender custom shop HSS super strat, (ironically built during Mr. Shannon's tenure as manager of Fender custom shop) The neck, also oil finished, was IDENTICAL to the 25th, down to the fret dots, etc. w/ the only exception being different tuners (black Gotohs on the Fender, imagine that) Feel on both was the same, which so what? is that Bad? I happen to really like Fender guitars as well, and as events have shown, their purchase of Charvel/Jackson has done wonders for the guitars now hasn't it? I do think the 25th was overpriced, but people bought them didn't they? I think that was part of my earlier post as well, to most folks, all of these things are overpriced, except to us.


      • #33
        Re: Just played the 25th Ann. \"Charvel\" (not impre

        Oh, and another thing, This board has changed( the new bulletin board software/format that is) almost as many times as my company has changed compensation formulas to figure out my pay, every year getting more complicated just like this forum.

