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Jake E. Lee Trashes SD Charvels

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  • #16
    Originally posted by jgcable
    Those statements are not typical and I wouldn't be surprised it they are taken out of context. The press has a knack of doing that when they post quotes.
    I'm with JG on this one. Check out Jake's actual comments: "The last three Strat-style guitars Jackson sent me weren't up to the quality of their previous guitars;" "... at the volume I play at -- loud -- they were unplayable, at least on stage."

    These comments themselves aren't really inflammatory; they’re just statements defending his decision to switch to another brand of guitar. “Jacksons aren’t as good as they have been, and I was having feedback problems.” Perhaps not 100% accurate, but certainly understandable. The actual and real trigger to switch was likely monetary, sure. ESP got him a good endorsement deal and the ink was signed. Business is business. To a large degree, the media pounces on this to make good news and sell magazines. I’ll take it a notch further, however, and say that our own guitarist mental-illness makes us perceive these comments as being more significant than they are by several orders of magnitude. Permit me to ramble:

    A guitar is just a tool and, let’s face it, established artists and Musicians (with the capital “M”) tend to know exactly what they want in a tool. Whether it’s made by Fender/Jackson/Charvel, Ibanez, ESP, Sears-Roebuck, or DeWalt, their specs are probably exact and generic enough that there will be little to no real difference from one manufacturer’s end product to another. (I’m thinking of Steve Vai having “litt’l JEMs” sent to him by dozens of guitar manufacturers, each one almost exactly the same in every way.)

    What I find truly fascinating is the concept of brand image and loyalty. In general, with say Nike and Coca Cola, it’s a very interesting and puzzling thing. With guitars, though, it gets kicked up to the nth degree. Does anyone else find this totally intriguing?

    It’s one thing when you want the exact product your hero has or endorses on pure fascination alone. Babe Ruth uses only WadaChoo tobacco. Kinds wanna be like him and stuff their cheeks pack full of terbaccer and vomit in the outfield. Mean Joe Green flings a sweat soaked filthy jersey at a kid and the world, tears in eyes, drinks Coke for the entire six month NFL season. It’s all good.

    But guitars, man … it’s like we take that hero thing to a whole new level. Arnie Shredhero uses Fingerflame guitars. All the kids want to use his Fingerflame guitar under the misguided perception that it’ll make them as fast as Arnie. Okay.

    Under normal circumstances, assuming a normal reaction by a normal population (you see what I’m getting at here – we’re ABNORMAL!), it would end there. But not us. O … no. Suddenly Fingerflames start appearing in the hands of ALL the hot guitarists (thanks to Arnie’s popularity and some sweet deals from Fingerflame’s parent company, General Electric), and an entire style is associated with that one particular instrument. A Fingerflame wouldn’t be seen in the hands of a country player any sooner than a Telecaster would be in Arnie Shredhero's.

    Then the wheels fall off: Arnie suddenly puts down his Fingerflame and picks up a Yubihi for his new album. Yubihi built an axe just like the Fingerflame, but with a new paint job and some trick inlay. Then they backed a dumptruck full of Yen to his front stoop. Arnie caved and tells the inquisitive press that he thought the string tension on the Fingerflame was too high on his last tour, and he "helped design, not just endorse!" the Yubihi.

    Our world is shattered. Fingerflames suck! They’re no longer useful for shred! Yubihis are the greatest instruments in the world and they’re – gasp -- Japanese!!! The balance of power is in ruins!

    Seriously – what the heck causes this? Why in the name of Skippy Peanut Butter did I plunk cold hard cash for a Charvel when I know goshdarn well that I could have bought a Wayne, made by Mr. Charvel himself, for a couple of bucks more? You know why? To hell with Mr. Charvel, that's why! I don't want a goofy droopy headstock with the dorky word "Wayne" on it, I want a pointy headstock with the cool guitar-shaped Charvel label on it!!! Why? ‘Cause that’s what Steve Vai pretended to play in Crossroads, darnit! Yeah, I know it was just a prop! I don’t care! I’m a visual creature and I have needs!

    Maybe it’s just me. Maybe I think about this too much. My head hurts. Sleep now.


    • #17
      For the record, this interview was done last july, well before he was approached by Charvel.

      My take on the last 3 is that he let those go right after he got them.Im sure he had his reasons but he let them all go by 93.He kept the original charvies until 96-97(except the blue one that he gave to Ann Lewis in 92 for the session work on her cds, they made good money from them).I think the new ones soured alot of the artists that stuck around after Grover.It was right after 91 that warren switched to Performance, jake went to ESP, ect....The quality wasnt the same.Ive heard that from alot of those stars back in the day.


      • #18
        I never heard of any particular wood being conductive to feedback! Swamp ash is nice wood though!
        I love admins!


        • #19
          That's because it's . I've never EVER heard of certain types of woods being more prone to feedback. That's not to say it doesn't have any impact whatsoever. But I wouldn't even put it on a list of significant contributing factors. Feedback is most definitely more of an electronics issue.

          Honestly, that statement itself is what flagged Jake's response as probable BS to me. IMHO, he's either full of s**t or pretty misinformed.

          Besides, it was still a freakin' custom shop, no? If swamp ash really meant that much to him, he could've just made a point to request it.

          (Side note: I do agree with Jake that swamp ash rocks in a major way, though. Order a custom shop with a SA body, and it'll blow your socks off. White leather boots and all. )


          • #20
            Interesting read and thanks for posting that. I am kinda surprised considering I have a number of articles from the late 80s with him cradling the charvels. I wonder if Grover pissed him off. Seems to not be uncommon.

            FYI: I have found that maple body w/ a maple board will cuz some noise issues with certain amp setting when the guitars are turned up in a practice space (I got yelled at for this last Tuesday actually), but I know that this was a result of used the guitar with amp settings which were specifically tuned to a alder/rw guitar. I have played that same maple/maple guitar (with the amp/eq set right) out live in a club with more volume and no problems.
            "I''ll say what I'm gonna say, cuz I'm going to Hell anyway!"


            • #21
              James would it be due to the brightness of the maple?
              Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


              • #22
                Originally posted by jgcable
                You usually don't hear a pro bashing gear. They usually don't burn any bridges because you never know what the future will bring.
                Yea, who the fuck does he think he is, DAVE MUSTAINE?


                • #23
                  I think the comments he made about the Jacksons not being what he expected and that they were feeding back too much ; is because he neede to justify it to himself for selling out to a subpar iferior built guitar company and gettin paid for it. At least tharts who I see it :P I mean what Jackson/Charvel player in thier right mind would go to ESP anyway. And yes iM considering Dave Mustaine in this. lol Notice i said right mind.


                  • #24
                    It might have been his tech or lack of knowledge of electronics that the comments were generated on. On the white Strat (the '75), he claimed (from what I have read over the years) there were "grounding problems". What ever the reason for the grounding problem, the bridge to ground at the controls was re-routed outside the guitar for a period of time. The justification for this is unknown and wether it was his guitar tech or at Jake's insistance is also unknown. Everybody has their quirks and the statements made maybe a direct result of "lack of knowledge" about a particular problem. In addition, we don't know if the interviewer has quoted Jake or paraphrased the interview altogether. I'm not defending Jakes comments that appear in the article, I just have some reservations as to the accuracy of the story.

                    Oh, and by the way, word has it that there is a limited edition series of the white Strat, blue and purpleburst coming together at Charvel for Jason at Drum City Guitar Land.
                    Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


                    • #25
                      Couldn't it be something as simple as him being part Japanese and going with a Japanese company? ... and getting a better endoresment deal.


                      • #26
                        um...what if he's being honest?
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                        • #27
                          Originally posted by sully
                          um...what if he's being honest?
                          GASP! Your such a realist.


                          • #28
                            Honest? Maybe. But IMHO still pretty misinformed about his criticisms.

                            Besides, like most pros do, he could have used common sense and said it in a way that was more gushing on the new compaany and not criticising the old. Like "I really liked the quality of what the ESP shop was doing at the time, so I decided to make a switch." Or something to that effect.

                            It's not so much what he said but how he said it, that makes me wonder if this was an intentional low-blow at J/C. (...Even if honest & uninformed.) Then again, maybe Jake's just not the most couthe guy, and didn't have a clue how bad it would sound.


                            • #29
                              I didn't know that story about him shooting heroine and living in Vegas.
                              What a waste!
                              Last edited by agresivo; 05-09-2006, 09:23 AM.


                              • #30
                                I cant believe this.

                                1st off, he doesnt "trash SD Charvels", the last 3 he recieved were built in 1989-1990 which would make it ..........anyone? ...........ONTERIO !!!!!!!!!

                                2nd of all, he didnt like them, so what? Those guitars with exception of Ralphs have been passed around like they are the only lighters in a crack house.If the white and gold sparkle were great, they would stay put.

                                He just says he didnt like them, thats not trashing them to me at all.

                                As for inferior product? I have one of those "inferior" ESP stratheads of his and by far is better then any jackson I have played.Its about personal preference.

                                Like i said before, this article is from June -July of last year.About a month before his cd was released , the magazine online had people send in questions.It was long before Charvel approached him about a new deal.If it was about Money, Im sure that was batted around.ESP is not going to pay him a ton of money because he is so low key that it took 9 years to release a follow up to his 1st solo cd.

                                Again, I just dont see him trashing anything here, and the guitars he does speak about were onterio built post Grover.

