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Have I mentioned that this guitar KICKS ASS?

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  • Have I mentioned that this guitar KICKS ASS?

    I sold a guitar off recently and had to rotate the active stock. I haven't put this one into play in a while and decided to pull her out. Well, I had one of those knock-you-down epiphany moments when you rediscover one of your guitars after not playing it for a long time.

    Holy s**t this guitar kicks ass! The neck is flat out perfect Charvel - thin, flat, shedderific. It's got tone up the ying-yang (swamp ash body, Dimarzio pickups), along with the most unique multi-figured neck I've ever seen. There's birdseye, quilt and flame figuring in it. I've never been able to do the neck justice with pictures - gotta see it in person. Appearance-wise, it speaks for itself. Dan L. at his finest, with a special RGF graphic. Man, when I spec'd this one a couple of years ago, the custom shop delivered in spades.

    Sorry for tooting my own horn with this one again, but I loved playing it so much this morning that I had to snap off some new pics.

  • #2


    • #3
      WOW is right. Hold old is that beast?


      • #4
        Wow, that neck looks amazing!
        Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Jack Napalm
          Hold old is that beast?
          3 yrs, IIRC.


          • #6
            Shredder, along with the Black Bullseyes, you may be the one that kicked off the reemergence of the pointies. I'm loving the entire Charvel line. Great necks.


            • #7
              Originally posted by danastas
              Shredder, along with the Black Bullseyes, you may be the one that kicked off the reemergence of the pointies.
              That's very gracious of you but - without a doubt- Kev's Bullseye run deserves that credit entirely.

              Heck, some would say that I committed heresy by doing this as a neck-through.
              Last edited by shreddermon; 07-29-2006, 01:33 PM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by shreddermon
                Heck, some would say that I committed heresy by doing this as a neck-through.
                Ack, didn't see that initially.

                Burn at the stake!! Or be burnt steak!

                I just checked the registry at the top of the page, and your git isn't on it.


                • #9
                  And now you know why.


                  • #10
                    "some would say that I committed heresy by doing this as a neck-through"

                    You did lol!!

                    (j/k Pat)


                    • #11
                      You know, in ancient times heresy was a crime punishable by being stoned. ...Wait. What's that? Oh that kind of "stoned"? Nevermind.


                      • #12
                        Heresy or not, it's still one of my favorite guitars. I LOVE that ghost flame graphic.


                        • #13
                          That is a beautiful guitar - stunning
                          Popular is not the same as good
                          Rare is not the same as valuable
                          Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


                          • #14
                            Very unique.Only the second neck thru old school Charvie I've seen.I like it.
                            Really? well screw Mark Twain.


                            • #15
                              Hey Shred, what Dimarzio's do you have in that? I love the RGF! I have a production Charvel in RGF, it is a great graphic.
                              Jackson: DK1
                              Charvel: CS (CSB), SD (RGF), SD (Bullseye), SD '83 (HRF)

