I got this one off Harmoney Central a while back, Was owned by the guitarist of Ludichrist. He stripped it when he tired of the graphic.

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1535 restored
killer..love itwww.usacharvels.com - info, pics and Charvel guitar discussion board. All things Charvel
My Charvel guitars - always one away from too many!
Thanks very much...
Yes, GMW did the refin. The last two restorations he did for me were outstanding. What put them over the top was thet he asked me if I was going to play it or frame it. When I said I need them to play their best he dialed the necks in and dressed the frets and they are magic right out of the case. On 1315 he cleaned the birdseye neck and refretted it and oiled it so well that it did not move all summer. I realized what it truely takes to set those necks up and how much better they play when they are done to perfection.It's not a competition, it's a community
Totally agree, Lee's set ups are awesome. Once again congrats, cool Charvel Kev.www.usacharvels.com - info, pics and Charvel guitar discussion board. All things Charvel
My Charvel guitars - always one away from too many!