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The charvel urge is getting too strong to resist!

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  • The charvel urge is getting too strong to resist!

    I have as of late i really wanting to get a old 81 san dimas
    i am willing to pay a large amount of cash but how can i know for sure it is not a
    "fake" or will it have the charvel neck size i akm after(ultra thin from front to back) all maple
    the newer charvels how thin are the necks compared to say a DK-1 jacskon?
    i need a thinner neck than those almost as thin as a wizard

    this is what im am after with a all maple neck
    Last edited by savage; 01-04-2007, 11:40 AM.
    If it's not a CHARVEL then i dont want to play it,look at it or even fuckin THINK about it!

  • #2
    The new pointies have the same neck thickness specs as the DK1. The new stratheads start slightly thinner at the 3rd fret, but are a bit thicker at the 12th, going by the published specs. If you want Wizard-thin, you'll have to order a custom & spec it out very specifically. As far as old ones, I've never heard of one having that thin of a neck, but there may have been a few made special for people who asked for them. Sounds like a USA Fusion might be right up your alley, if you don't mind the short scale. Those had really thin necks.
    Last edited by dg; 01-04-2007, 12:22 PM.

