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Interesting news on the Frankie

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  • #31
    Originally posted by siggy14 View Post
    At that price EVH better hand deliver it to me and shake my hand and thank me for supporting his alcoholic ways!
    Ouch! Todd.
    I wouldn't hit EVH so hard for his illness, but I would FMIC for their greediness.
    Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


    • #32
      I think the greediness is more on EVH's part then on Fenders, well maybe a mix of both. But look at EVH, everything he ever does revolves around money and screwing people. I put him right up there with the osbournes, they both have millions of dollars, but still like to screw the little people that are just making it by or not as well off as them.

      Illness, I always love that excuse, and illness is something you cant controll, or i should say have absolutly no controll over it. Alcoholism can be controlled by the person, but they have to want too.

      Sympathy for an alcoholic, not from me, my father made my life a living hell, it is the reason i got heavy into drugs because how bad he messed up my head.

      Alcohol eventualy took my father away when I was 18, he was 44. But if you ask me my father died when I was nine, that was the last time i saw him, and besides from the few times a year he would call piss drunk to stir the shit with my mom and make promises to my bro and I that he would never keep, I never really heard from him.

      Do I hate my father, no, i forgave him many years ago after he died, my only regret is never telling him how he made me feel. I will give him a little credit, the last year of his life he did quit drinking, however it was to late, the damage was done and his organs just eventualy gave out.

      Originally posted by Joe_Steeler View Post
      Ouch! Todd.
      I wouldn't hit EVH so hard for his illness, but I would FMIC for their greediness.


      • #33
        Interesting news on the Frankie

        > For 25k,I better wake up the next morning with his hair from the Jump video and knowing if Val swallowed or not. Even at 2.5k,it's overpriced for such a simple guitar,even if the quality is amazing,regardless of who it was associated with. Tommy D.
        "I'm going to try and work it out so at the end it's a pure guts race......because if it is.....I'm the only one that can win" - Steve Prefontaine


        • #34
          tommy its not the point, you could build this guitar for less than 1000 bucks. Your paying for a top class instument AND the prestige of there being so little avaible in the world

          Also, the crowd who wanted EVH axe when they were kids (i am 24 so I dont count) are the guys who will more than likely have the money now to buy it... you know investment and saving even guys who got good jobs for themselves.

          I love the Frankie, I can't afford a frankie, I probably wouldn't buy one if I had the dough.. Probably but I dont know for sure! Anyone who has the money dont have to justify it to others (the sickos )


          • #35
            If anyone is seriously interested in owning one of these get in touch with me, I'll make it worth your time.
            Special deals for JCF members on Jackson/Charvel, Suhr, Anderson, Nash, Splawn, Bogner, LSL, Ibanez, Diezel, Friedman, Bad Cat, 3rd Power, Dr. Z, ENGL and more. FREE SHIPPING! 0% FINANCING!


            • #36
              I have a friend who got to play the Frankie, and he told me it was an incredible playing (and sounding) guitar. Nothing came close to it, not even the Blackie.


              • #37
                simple guitar??

                what the fuck are you smoking??

                this is a 100% replica of frankie every scratch dent, dust particle, cig burn etc etc etc.
                you have ANY idea how much time was involved in making this? research, collecting the coins, paint, relicing itand so on and so forth.
                you think that was for free? it's not like he could do someone elses guitar in the time he was working on a frankie.
                You can't play no muthfuggin' arpeggios on a tuba...


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Davey View Post
                  simple guitar??

                  what the fuck are you smoking??

                  this is a 100% replica of frankie every scratch dent, dust particle, cig burn etc etc etc.
                  you have ANY idea how much time was involved in making this? research, collecting the coins, paint, relicing itand so on and so forth.
                  you think that was for free? it's not like he could do someone elses guitar in the time he was working on a frankie.

                  I always love when someone someone goes "they had to get the quarters from the right year, that takes time and work". Yeah how hard was that? Go to any coin shop or online and order a bag of 300 1971(or whatever year it was)quarters. Probably cost them a whopping $75 too. I just always find that part funny.
                  Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you yunick jelly thou!


                  • #39
                    Vince, you think is easy to hold that freaking quarter in place to drill the mounting hole? You think it's easy to screw it to the wood?
                    Ha? ha? Mr. handyman....

                    Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Joe_Steeler View Post
                      Vince, you think is easy to hold that freaking quarter in place to drill the mounting hole? You think it's easy to screw it to the wood?
                      Ha? ha? Mr. handyman....

                      Dam the way they make it sound, you would think that.
                      1- They had a crack team of experts(possibly 75-100 men) in the tracking down of the elusive and rare early 70's quarter.
                      2-That is takes 100's of man hours to mount these quaters. God I hope they used to same make and model of screw/nail or else all is lost.
                      3-Taking a torch to a headstock requires degrees in some kind of math and engineering I could not possibly comprehend.

                      Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you yunick jelly thou!


                      • #41
                        According to the GW article, Chip bought a bunch of quarters on a Vegas trip (grueling work, no doubt), but only came up with a couple from 1971, then ended up buying rolls of mint 1971 quarters from a guy on eBay.

