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Is the bridge pickup supposed to be angled?

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  • #16
    someone at J/C needs a serious kick in the ass
    You can't play no muthfuggin' arpeggios on a tuba...


    • #17
      I wonder what kind of vision insurance plan they have at FMIC. Because the QC dept needs some serious vision care.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Rich#6 View Post
        You need to have a special tool to fix that. It called a finger.
        Look at the bridge pickup ring closely! It looks like it it angled down on the left. Yeah, I see the tilt on the pickup, but look at the ring.
        Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


        • #19
          Look at the bridge pickup ring closely! It looks like it it angled down on the left. Yeah, I see the tilt on the pickup, but look at the ring.
          I saw that after I was done being a smart ass and went back to read the thread again. It looks so close. I wonder if the screws were put in at an angle or could be to fix that.


          • #20
            Over the last 3 years I have seen more drilling screwup from J/C custom shop than a high school wood shop...I am serious look at how many members here had the neck holes or pick up ring holes drilled wrong some repaired with tooth picks etc...


            • #21
              They CNC the bodies so it would be kind of hard to get the PU route wrong. Looks like they need to start using a CND (computer navigated drill).


              • #22
                Pickup surrond was drawn off when a screw was inserted @ an angle, JMO.Easy Fix.But should not have to be done in the first place


                • #23
                  Maybe they're secretly letting EVH build guitars?
                  I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                  The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                  My Blog:


                  • #24
                    We just pulled the guitar out of the case to see if the crooked pickup was an illusion, sometimes the angle we shoot pics at distorts things. Unfortunately upon close inspection, the bridge pickup is mounted incorrectly. Ugh...
                    Special deals for JCF members on Jackson/Charvel, Suhr, Anderson, Nash, Splawn, Bogner, LSL, Ibanez, Diezel, Friedman, Bad Cat, 3rd Power, Dr. Z, ENGL and more. FREE SHIPPING! 0% FINANCING!


                    • #25
                      is the hole exposed when the pickup it mounted in correct position?


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by 59custom View Post
                        is the hole exposed when the pickup it mounted in correct position?
                        that IS the question

                        man this should be embarrassing to FMIC.
                        the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by skorb View Post
                          man this should be embarrassing to FMIC.
                          At this point, quite honestly... I believe they are way beyond the point of no return. Sad that it has come to this.

                          Let's hope the new CS crew can take care of the QC issues, albeit with they new pricing sheet volumes are certainly going to come down.

                          Maybe, just maybe; less guitars on the queue = better quality.
                          Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


                          • #28
                            And people tell me I'm a picky bastard. That's nothing.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Joe_Steeler View Post
                              At this point, quite honestly... I believe they are way beyond the point of no return. Sad that it has come to this.

                              Let's hope the new CS crew can take care of the QC issues, albeit with they new pricing sheet volumes are certainly going to come down.

                              Maybe, just maybe; less guitars on the queue = better quality.
                              There's no stopping crap like this.... That ship has sailed.
                              I would say now more than ever JCF is going to start pumping out crap. Fender has already put in any and all of the new machinery that they're going too. They've signed the artists. They're are going to start looking for serious numbers.

                              The true "custom shop" days at J/C were gone years ago. It's now a PRODUCTION LINE, just like big daddy Fender, just like Gibson and Gisbson Custom. They are not designed to make guitars so much as money. Personally, I say "make quality guitars and you will make money" but that's now how it goes in the room with the big oak table.

                              This guitar is a perfect issue of a dealer problem. There is no WAY this thing should have lasted 6 minutes in that shop. I would have opened the case, laughed "HaAA", closed it right back up and then retaped the box. Back you go!

                              You buy stuff on the internet, you got to be able to trust your dealer. Let's face it, you buy that guitar you loose $100. $50 for shipping to you and $50 for shipping back.

                              If there is ever going to be a change with quality, it will have to come from Dealers dropping manufacturers. Untill then, don't accept excuses and don't buy crap. (you know, either that or switch brands........)


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Newc View Post
                                Maybe they're secretly letting EVH build guitars?
                                He's working his way up. He's in the paint shop now.

                                " Ed we need you to tape off some perfectly parallel lines so we can line up the pickup mounts"

