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Tits! (Again)

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  • #31
    EHEHEH EHEHEHEE EHEHEEEHE EE. I have seen the top of the mountain and it is good. HEEeheh ehehHE ehhe


    • #32
      The cunt guitar is a Kramer Baretta 1 body. Not sure about that neck, but wow... just wow LOL
      - Adam


      • #33
        I love the toothpaste style logo on the cunt, it looks so tasteful. LOL!:ROTF: :ROTF:


        • #34
          Originally posted by 442w30 View Post
          I kinda like that one better.
          Yeah. The Cunt graphic is a lot better painted for one thing.


          • #35

            Originally posted by Endrik
            the more you masturbate the less you need to bang the hottest chicks


            • #36
              must have got it painted at the flea market. it looks horrible IMO


              • #37
                in best fett voice " dont you be dissing my homies at the flee market"
                Say, I smell bacon.Does anyone else smell bacon?
                Yeah, I definitely smell a pork product of some type.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by bsteff666 View Post
                  Yes there this at your own risk



                  • #39
                    Originally posted by guitarzan2 View Post
                    Is the new 2007 Jena Jamison model? She just got her implants removed and she's a C-cup(and looks like a 90 lb duck).
                    ha ha ha !!! Very good ... ans so f$$$in' true!!


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Sunbane View Post
                      the titty guitar isn't even on the same scale in terms of offensiveness.
                      Wasn't the warbird graphic in question "General Anesthesia"? If I'm not mistaken it was a P-51 Mustang cockpit that had swastika kill marks. I don't see that promoting the nazi party in any shape or form. I was really surprised the first time around that a lot of people found that graphic offensive. For one, it was period correct. Two, how in the hell do swastika kill marks (you know, some Yank bragging about shooting down a Kraut or five for Christ's sake) constitute praising nazi oppression? I didn't see the warbird graphic being offensive at all. If anything it was bragging rights for kicking some goose stepping nazi asses.

                      Back to the thread at hand...that's certainly not the best tits graphic out there. I think it's just the diagonal angle that really throws it off.


                      • #41
                        That paint job is just missing the cock dragon painted over it!!! Seriously, that would rock hard (pun intended).
                        "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
                        - Ken M


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Razor View Post
                          Wasn't the warbird graphic in question "General Anesthesia"? If I'm not mistaken it was a P-51 Mustang cockpit that had swastika kill marks. I don't see that promoting the nazi party in any shape or form. I was really surprised the first time around that a lot of people found that graphic offensive. For one, it was period correct. Two, how in the hell do swastika kill marks (you know, some Yank bragging about shooting down a Kraut or five for Christ's sake) constitute praising nazi oppression? I didn't see the warbird graphic being offensive at all. If anything it was bragging rights for kicking some goose stepping nazi asses.
                          While you may know that, and feel comfortable with it, the people seeing a "camo guitar with a swastika on it" may not. There's a limit to how far you can remove a symbol from its original context before you change its meaning. In this case, it proved to be not very far.


                          • #43
                            This just goes to show that offensive is relative. I know that if I ever brought a jap rising sun graphic into my house when I was a kid, it would have been a real issue.

                            The funny thing is that they would make porn graphics with all the other restrictions. I can only shake my head.
                            "I''ll say what I'm gonna say, cuz I'm going to Hell anyway!"


                            • #44
                              Remember this quote?
                              "So, we bought Jackson, guitars that can say F*%K instead of darn-it."
                              Ritchie Fliegler - Vice President Fender Musical Instruments Corp. 12-29-03

                              Well, I guess they can't even do that anymore. I wonder if the N.O.W. whined about the porno graphics if they would cave on those too. How about if the Chinese whined about the Japanese rising sun/mad bomber graphics? (The did kill 13 million Chinese you know) Dare groupls whined about the pot leaf inlays. Or religious groups whined about the upside down cross/pentagram inlay? It all boils down to them caving to a couple whiners that find something offensive. If I want a Mohamed with a bomb turbin graphic, will they do it? How about if I wanted a Bill Clinton smoking pot while getting a lil monica? How about if I wanted a george Bush devil snorting coke graphic??? Surely others might find all those concepts offensive. That's why anyone would want them. They can't even build your dream guitar anymore. Gone are half the shapes, models and finish options that Jackson/Charvel was famous for. Thanks FMIC...


                              • #45
                                I'd buy that cunt guitar, but I'd prefer it if there was a bit of juice. I'd also have a swastika on a guitar. Jesus H Christ on a splintery stick, this geometric shape has been around for millennia. I don't hear people moaning when it's used in Hindu or other religions. I know in recent years that it's been associated with Nazi Germany and that's a very emotive subject. Oh hold on weren't the Nazis big on eagles as well and if I remember correctly the US has similar iconography, do they ban images of eagles?

                                Apparently there was a swastika painted on the inside of the nosecone of the Spirit of St. Louis! I wonder if it's still there?

                                This PC shite really winds me up.
                                Fwopping, you know you want to!

                                VI VI VI: the editor of the Beast!

                                There are 10 kinds of people who understand binary. Those who do and those who don't.

