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New Charvel dealer program upcoming.

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  • New Charvel dealer program upcoming.

    There is a new program set to be announced this Summer at NAMM, Apparently, Charvel is going to have a max 50 dealers in the US. You can only be a dealer if you sign up to be part of the program.

    In a nutshell, there will be 3 custom shop runs a quarter that you have to commit to, 12 total a year. You have to sign an annual contract, and take the guitars. They will be different configurations/graphics each time, and will be made in the U.S. at the Charvel custom shop.

    The kicker? List will be the same as MSRP. $1599. Dealer cost is way below that, a substantial amount below.

    Two things are occuring here. Obviously, costs are way down because they will be making 50 of each one (thats assuming they can get 50 dealers, which I certainly question), and either they have finally come to their senses regarding pricing, (because lets be honest, they arent selling), OR, they are going to be subpar product.

    I mean, really, its just a bolt on guitar with a finish. How hard could it be to make? Why does it cost more than a USA Standard Strat?

    Spin the black circle.

    [email protected]

  • #2
    All good points.Well said.
    Really? well screw Mark Twain.


    • #3
      Rumors, rumors, rumors. There usually seems to be some small kernal of truth, wrapped in a whole lot of the "phone game" inaccuracy. No offense intended, Shawn. I'm not questioning you, specifically. It's just how this stuff has usually played out in the past. Anyway, if true...

      $1,599 sounds pretty reasonable, as long as they aren't single-hum, vintage trem, peg warmers. Or otherwise cheese out of the components. And, let's face it, Charvel's track record with creating limited runs that are popular isn't that great. If I were a dealer, that latter part would be my biggest worry.

      BTW, that's only $300 or $400-ish more than an American Deluxe Strat. IMHO, a Floyd and Duncans alone would account for the difference, not to mention they're getting huge volume production savings on the Strat line. And a plain-jane DK1 - also a bolt-on guitar - lists for $2,400.

      Last edited by shreddermon; 03-15-2008, 07:44 AM.


      • #4
        It sounds like they are going to go back to the original thought of when they brought USA charvels back into production with one change, they realized that everyone wants a charvel with a strat headstock. The pointies were in that range and the muzic zoo has a bunch of charvels with stratheads in that range now.
        Maybe this is what Bionic was talking about when he said that some 2hum runs were coming.


        • #5
          pat, i bet they'd sell more of these monthly limiteds if they were apropriately priced. i've heard something similar to what shawn has reported.

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          • #6
            Based on price, no doubt they would sell better. All depends on the runs' specs, though. The approach seems decidedly "Gibby Guitar of the Month"-ish. And they've had more "misses" than "hits" with the prior limited run attempts. ...Bullseyes, lightning bolt star, Grover splatters, anyone?

            Nonetheless, they've got to do something to try and re-establish the brand since they killed off the pointyhead USA Standards. Not sure this approach will work - devil's in the details, ya know? - but I sure do wish them luck. I hope they spec out some killer pieces, and keep the quality and components up. Those will be the keys to success.


            • #7
              I am excited to see the Tele head line....the rumoured street price sounds good!!
     - info, pics and Charvel guitar discussion board. All things Charvel
              My Charvel guitars - always one away from too many!


              • #8
                I want a Pointy head USA Charvel, that is the main goal!
                Out Of Ideas


                • #9
                  I've asked about these and apparently they're likely to sell for a grand or so and will be the Charvel equivilent of a USA std Strat. The one hardware downgrade will be the use of Ping floyds, but the pickups are supposed to still be proper Duncans / DiMarzios.
                  Popular is not the same as good
                  Rare is not the same as valuable
                  Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by shreddermon View Post
                    Based on price, no doubt they would sell better. All depends on the runs' specs, though. The approach seems decidedly "Gibby Guitar of the Month"-ish. And they've had more "misses" than "hits" with the prior limited run attempts. ...Bullseyes, lightning bolt star, Grover splatters, anyone?
                    Those didn't sell because of the ridiculous prices plain and simple.
                    I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                    - Newc


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by neilli View Post
                      I've asked about these and apparently they're likely to sell for a grand or so and will be the Charvel equivilent of a USA std Strat. The one hardware downgrade will be the use of Ping floyds, but the pickups are supposed to still be proper Duncans / DiMarzios.
                      all that is fine by me!
                      Out Of Ideas


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by hippietim View Post
                        Those didn't sell because of the ridiculous prices plain and simple.
                        The bullseyes and lightning stars weren't selling for much more than the new ones are rumored at, Tim. Price was a factor, agreed. But, IMHO, the not-so-popular specs were a bigger factor in their eventual peg warmer status.


                        • #13
                          Boy Do I love those zombies on a graveyard, grim reapers with a flag, skulls on sticks graphics!!!! killer graphics, basic guitars for $3000 what's not to love. Don't give me affordable bland shit please, say it aint so FMCI!!!!

                          Pure ass marketing brilliance destroyed by a new marketing genius!!!!!


                          Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


                          • #14
                            I think it sounds better than what they have been doing. If they are ugly graphics, I think Fullers is happy to sit on them indefinitely. Guitar Center can afford to sit on them for a while and then blow em out if the don't sell. I'd be curious to see what they turn out. I hope they get it right this time but it's too late for me. I went the Musikraft route for my Charvel needs.


                            • #15
                              Oh no!!!!! I want my guitars to look like skateboards and shit I would buy at Halloween time.
                              Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.

