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Official Charvel USA Production model designations thread

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  • Official Charvel USA Production model designations thread

    Ok, here's what's going on. I've seen a few people referring to the new Charvel USA Production models as "USA Pro" models, and that's got to stop.

    We need to get together and draw up "the" designation term: the term that's going to be spread through the internet to refer to these models. We've got the Model models (Model 1, Model 2, etc etc) for the 80's imports, the SD RIs or ReIssues for those, etc etc. So far, the SoCal is the only one of the new models that gets referred to by its model name, but when speaking of all three of the new models - Style 1 2H, Style 2 2H, Style 1 SoCal - it seems some folks are simply using "USA Pro" to denote "USA Production Model".

    However, this is going to cause problems down the road, as the battle that's been fought for years to prevent people from calling Jackson Pros "USA Made" will have been a total waste of time if this keeps up.

    Never in the history of Jackson and/or Charvel has there been or will there be a "USA Pro". Trust me on this, we have to keep this from happening, unless you WANT to see every Jackson Pro/Professional on Ebay billed as a "USA Pro", and thus price inflations.
    The misinformation is more damaging than price hikes, truth be told.

    So, as I said, "Model" is taken and only applies to a specific range, "SD" should be reserved for the original San Dimas Charvels, and "SD RI" is only for the San Dimas ReIssues.

    The SoCals can be referred to as SoCals all day long. Doesn't bother me one bit and everyone should know by now which model that is.

    However, we can't very well refer to the San Dimas Style 1 2H and San Dimas Style 2 2H by those names. There's just too much to say, and we're accustomed to shorter names like "Model" or "SD" or "SoCal".

    We could simply refer to them as the "Styles" (Style models), but that kinda blows. At least "Model models" gets a few snickers now and then, but "Style models" just plain stinks.

    How about SDS 1 and SDS 2? It's short, is easy to remember, but does sound like a Space Shuttle mission.

    Anyone got a better idea than "USA Pro"?
    I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

    The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

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  • #2
    Originally posted by Newc View Post

    How about SDS 1 and SDS 2? It's short, is easy to remember, but does sound like a Space Shuttle mission.

    Anyone got a better idea than "USA Pro"?
    yeah that works for me
    btw i am among the guilty for saying USA pro
    If it's not a CHARVEL then i dont want to play it,look at it or even fuckin THINK about it!


    • #3
      I was one of the ones guilty of picking up on the "USA Pro" ... agree it will cause confusion.

      Other possibilities ...

      "USA Series"
      "SD Production Series"
      "Production Series"
      "Style Series" ... ie. Style 1 ... Style 2
      "USA Styles"
      "Knob of death series"
      " discount series"

      Since they aren't really made in San Dimas (just a P.O. box there as I understand it) ... is there something unique about where they are made that can be used to describe them?

      i.e. "_____city in which they are made____ series" or similar?


      • #4
        Originally posted by DHardmanJr View Post
        Other possibilities ...

        "Knob of death series"
        ding,ding ding, we got a winner!:ROTF:
        If it's not a CHARVEL then i dont want to play it,look at it or even fuckin THINK about it!


        • #5
          Well, we've got SL2H & SL1 over on the Jackson side, so why not SD22H or SD12H?

          Or just S12H or S22H?

          Or really, S12 & S22?

          Or S1H and S2H?

          Or even more simply, S1 & S2? They're all 2 hum models, so what does an extra 2h really tell you?

          All 3, SoCal, S1 & S2 should obviously (to me) just be referred to as "Style Series" rather than "Style Model". But if you want to make it more clear for folks, it would be "Style Series 1 Style Series 2", or more simply, SS1 and SS2.

          "I have an SS1, an SS2, and a SoCal". Works for me.

          Last edited by Vass; 08-02-2008, 11:10 AM.


          • #6
            How about




            • #7
              Production Model Series = PMS. ;-)


              • #8
                Hmmm. I think we might be getting somewhere. I'm leaning towards S1 and S2, perhaps starting off the "introduction" as "Style 1" or "Style 2".

                Applying it in terms of a conversation: "I've got a Charvel Style 1 and a Style 2, though I'd prefer the S2 to have a Tele headstock."

                Works for me.

                And of course, if you were having that conversation with someone who was not "in the know" and they brought up the fact that the SoCal is also named Style 1, then you could simply add "Yeah, but it's just referred to as the SoCal, for the sake of simplicity".

                I thought about PMS as well, but didn't wanna bring it up

                "Knob Of Death" might work, but doesn't quite roll off the tongue, or the keyboard

                Looking at it in terms of spoken syllables, I'm trying to keep it self-explanatory like "650XL" or "Model 2", and yet also keep it simple to type out, like "SoCal".

                If we go with "SD12" or "SD22", it could lead to confusion about the San Dimas ReIssues - someone may think SD12 = 12-string, and SD22 = 22 fret model (didn't they have 24?).

                "Style series" over "Style models" works for me when discussing them as a production series.
                Three "S" sounds in a row ('SHAR-VEL Style Series'), but sounds better than "Style models".

                SDP might come out sounding like STP - the oil additive or the band - in spoken conversation.

                I'd hate to refer to them as "Strats" and "Telly", since it makes them sound too much like copies.

                Any others?
                I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

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                • #9
                  i've been pushing for pro-mod since day one and will continue to use it no matter what anyway LOL.

                  the originals from the 80s tend to be just called pre-pro and serialized or just san dimas
                  the model series are model xxx
                  the current custom shop guitars are customs
                  the music zoo naturals are TMZ or natural
                  the standard pointies that were out a few years ago are standards
                  so it seems fitting that the new production models be pro-mod since it fits with the whole charvel being a hot rod guitar since pro-mod is a drag racing class. plus pro-mod follows with the name theme of pre-pro also.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by XSSIVE View Post
                    i've been pushing for pro-mod since day one and will continue to use it no matter what anyway LOL.

                    the originals from the 80s tend to be just called pre-pro and serialized or just san dimas
                    the model series are model xxx
                    the current custom shop guitars are customs
                    the music zoo naturals are TMZ or natural
                    the standard pointies that were out a few years ago are standards
                    so it seems fitting that the new production models be pro-mod since it fits with the whole charvel being a hot rod guitar since pro-mod is a drag racing class. plus pro-mod follows with the name theme of pre-pro also.

                    pro mod has a nice ring to it
                    If it's not a CHARVEL then i dont want to play it,look at it or even fuckin THINK about it!


                    • #11
                      another vote for just calling them the "production" series.


                      • #12
                        I dunno. Pro-mod makes me think of "professional modification", rather than "production model".
                        Drag racing doesn't have any sort of "production model", as I understand it. Maybe tires and steering wheels, but that's like strings and tuners.

                        And I don't really see the point of following the "pre-pro" naming scheme. I know that "pre-pro" means "pre-production", just as "re-pro" means "reproduction" (like a reissue or recreation of something that was made at a previous time), but I can't see the point in linking the new ones to those.
                        The trouble comes in when you try to make them sound like "picking up where we left off", because some people will want to compare the new ones to the old ones, and then we have apples vs oranges. The new ones don't get a chance to be judged solely on their own merits that way.

                        "Production series" would work, except for 2 things:
                        1. For those of us in the South, it would be "Perduction"
                        2. It would be shortened to "Pro", and there we have the confusion regarding "USA Pro" again.

                        So far, it looks like Style 1, Style 2, and SoCal are the most logical terms, along with Style Series. They don't take too much effort to speak, can be abbreviated as S1, S2, and SC when typing, and are unique to this series. By extension, that means they cannot be linked to any previous Charvel series, which is a good thing.

                        Any other ideas?
                        I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                        The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

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                        • #13
                          Originally posted by DHardmanJr View Post
                          Since they aren't really made in San Dimas (just a P.O. box there as I understand it) ... is there something unique about where they are made that can be used to describe them?

                          i.e. "_____city in which they are made____ series" or similar?

                          I missed this earlier.

                          Hmmmm. "Corona Series". Hmmmm.


                          "Charvel Coronas"

                          Might work for the series as a whole, but what do we do when we get down to the individual models in the series?
                          I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                          The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

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                          • #14
                            You would think a gigantic corporation that wants these guitars to sell like hot cakes would actually give them... you know... some sort of name. Do they not have a marketing department?
                            |My CSG gallery|


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Newc View Post
                              "Charvel Coronas"
                              Can I get that with lime?
                              I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.

