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2009 Charvel USA Production Guitars

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  • Bionic
    Originally posted by joelayres View Post
    Spoke with a dealer yesterday - white WILL be one of the custom colors for Feb and it won't be the So-Cal. Two new Artist's are in negotiations for CS models - one would be white and one would be green.

    Sorry, I have to jump in. Not true. Interesting speculation. I WILL say that NO color is safe!!!

    Thanks for playing!


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  • joelayres
    Originally posted by JediHalen View Post
    You got that right!

    We want White!.. We want White!!!
    Spoke with a dealer yesterday - white WILL be one of the custom colors for Feb and it won't be the So-Cal. Two new Artist's are in negotiations for CS models - one would be white and one would be green.

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  • Flatpicker
    I just think they should do a primer painted model.
    Oh, and a Green Tele model. Please...

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  • triplehold
    White with 1 hum would sell like hotcakes!

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  • MEX3
    You could wait for white or rosewood or ebony or hss or insert any other option you may want from your production Charvel... Or, you could buy parts from Warmoth/USACG/Musikraft/BHefner/Allparts etc and buy a Charvel logo off of ebay. It'll be just as much a Charvel as Jake's white strat...

    That said, I think white is a no brainer. I don't know if there's a price difference between a rosewood and a maple board Fender USA Strat. But if they can do it for those, they should be able to do it equally well for Charvel.

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  • Madness
    I wanted one (SD1) in white when they came out but, obviously I was out of luck. I ended up getting the red one. I would buy another one in a heartbeat if they went with white though, that's how much I like these..............or maybe pick up a SoCal.

    It would also be cool to see a H/S config. with the pointy headstock to expand on the line.

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  • JZ06
    Originally posted by fullmetalguitar View Post
    Well, I don't think anyone is complaining exactly. People just like to sort of wish out loud what they would like to see in the future. Chances are, if this line is successful enough and continues, Charvel will make different variations of features, such as a one hum model. What's wrong with saying yeah, I'd like a one hum, or a vintage trem, because those could end up on the models down the road sometime.
    slightly off topic, but i just watched your videos on youtube. DAMN!!!! do you keep a fire extinguisher nearby when playing that axe? WOW!!!!!!

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  • JediHalen
    it does seem like there's a huge number of people wanting white as a base color.
    You got that right!

    We want White!.. We want White!!!

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  • DHardmanJr
    Although a lot of the requests, to me, seem like very specific tastes that are less less likely to be put into a production line, it does seem like there's a huge number of people wanting white as a base color.

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  • axe_calibur
    ive said it before, and ill say it again, white damnit!

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  • fullmetalguitar
    Well, I don't think anyone is complaining exactly. People just like to sort of wish out loud what they would like to see in the future. Chances are, if this line is successful enough and continues, Charvel will make different variations of features, such as a one hum model. What's wrong with saying yeah, I'd like a one hum, or a vintage trem, because those could end up on the models down the road sometime.

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  • bombtek
    Guys, I think that at the price Charvel is seling these production models, you should be happy with what ya got, and if you want....mod it to your own individual tastes from that point.

    Every thing I've seen that has been suggested CAN be done for the custom shop. So if you're willing to pay CS prices, go for it. These new Charvels are a friggin BARGAIN (not that I can afford one LOL) and like I said, if you want more out of one and mod it to your tastes!!!!.Or go the CS route if you don't want to take the time to do it yourself.

    I just think that the J/C community on here as a whole should stop asking for more when what we got after YEARS of waiting for the return of the Charvel line are some kickass guitars at kickass prices!

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  • slayer

    Single Hum=Yes


    24.75 scale=Yes




    They might even want to try an oiled finish body also. Would that be much more jing than paint?


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  • Coyote_FH
    Personally, I wouldn't mind a "lefty" option... With chrome hardware.

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  • diablomozart
    ran into the charvel rep down here in atl about a week ago...contrary to popular belief the black ones are selling well...while i didnt get any specifics i was led to believe that they have more ideas for the future but nothing he could really share at the moment...they seem rather pleased with the current success and are looking to build upon the future looks bright for them...nuff said...d.m.

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