The BC Rich Gunslingers are now $699 to $860 though they include a cheap quality hard case.
As for the Kramers and the Carvin, I know this will sound wrong, but growing up in that Charvel era, the Charvels were always substantially more expensive than Kramers and Carvins. They were also substantially more hip and awe-inspiring. If you told someone you had a Charvel or you saw a guy come out on stage with a Charvel, you really stood up and took notice. It was the sign that you were a guitarist "in the know". So now here we are 25 years later and we have a USA made guitar and it is a Charvel. AND IT HAS A STRAT HEADSTOCK!
As for the Kramers and the Carvin, I know this will sound wrong, but growing up in that Charvel era, the Charvels were always substantially more expensive than Kramers and Carvins. They were also substantially more hip and awe-inspiring. If you told someone you had a Charvel or you saw a guy come out on stage with a Charvel, you really stood up and took notice. It was the sign that you were a guitarist "in the know". So now here we are 25 years later and we have a USA made guitar and it is a Charvel. AND IT HAS A STRAT HEADSTOCK!
