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What corners were cut on the production models

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  • Originally posted by Grandturk View Post
    But it is a "Floyd Rose." It is a tremolo that is produced by the Floyd Rose company, or whoever owns them, and has the right to sell it as a Floyd Rose. There's no deception there
    I call partial bullshit on that. They do have "the right", no doubt, but there is an element of deception too as most guitarists have a preconceived notion of what a Floyd Rose trem is. The fact that they have chosen not to make any efforts to differentiate the German made version from the Korean version for the buying public is where the waters get intentional outcome. Nothing wrong with that from a legal standpoint. Ethics on the other hand...


    • I'm with Rupe here. ESP does state the tremolos on the LTD lineup are Floyd Rose 1000 or Floyd Rose Special series. Originals are listed as Originals. Jackson also announces detailed specs. Charvel must know it's a complicated matter and such ambiguity gets annoying. It's a quite central part of a guitar.


      • Originally posted by Rupe View Post
        I call partial bullshit on that. They do have "the right", no doubt, but there is an element of deception too as most guitarists have a preconceived notion of what a Floyd Rose trem is. The fact that they have chosen not to make any efforts to differentiate the German made version from the Korean version for the buying public is where the waters get intentional outcome. Nothing wrong with that from a legal standpoint. Ethics on the other hand...
        Next time, do me a favor and don't quote me out of context - as per my Chevy example.
        Blank yo!


        • Eh, to me unless a bridge is advertised as an "Original Floyd Rose" (or OFR) it's not but I'm a bit more savvy than your average guitar buyer.

          That being said, I agree that Charvel/FMIC could avoid all of this hullabaloo by calling it exactly what is.


          • Originally posted by Matt_B View Post
            Eh, to me unless a bridge is advertised as an "Original Floyd Rose" (or OFR) it's not but I'm a bit more savvy than your average guitar buyer.

            That being said, I agree that Charvel/FMIC could avoid all of this hullabaloo by calling it exactly what is.
            I think the problem is that for 30 some odd years, if it said "Floyd Rose" it was made in Germany and anything else was licensed.
            Blank yo!


            • Originally posted by Grandturk View Post
              Next time, do me a favor and don't quote me out of context - as per my Chevy example.
              Not my intent...I didn't follow your analogy.


              • Part of the problem too is that Floyd has allowed so many goddamned models to manufactured.

                So, the OFR was made in Germany, but today it's not that same as it was made years ago. And then you have the Schaller version, still made in Germany, but different than the original. And then you have the Ping, which still is allowed to have the Floyd name without being "licensed by." And you have the Korean made, with the Floyd name without being "licensed by." Then you have all of the "licensed by Floyd" models made by God knows who in God knows where.

                If the guitar manufacturer states that I'm getting a "Floyd Rose," I EXPECT that I'm getting a quality tremelo that Floyd believes is OF A CERTAIN STANDARD. I don't EXPECT that it is an OFR per say. The Korean Floyd apparently meets these standards. Yes, it is somewhat inferior to the OFR, but it is still a quality trem. Today's OFRs aren't the same quality as yesterday's OFRs either, so should I be pissed off at that as well?

                I play regularly, but I'm by no means a professional. I own two guitars with Korean Floyds, one with a German OFR and one with a Ping. I honestly don't see huge differences between the three. The only thing I did with the Koreans was to add a brass big block to them, but I did that with the OFR too. All Floyds lack's just something you expect due to the design of it. I also put Floyd trem stoppers on all of them to help stabilize tuning and add sustain. So whether I payed $120 for a Korean made, $150 for a Ping or $200 for an OFR, I still put an extra $40 in for a big block and $10 for a trem stopper on each of them.

                There were several points I was trying to make in there...I don't know what the fuck they were anymore...but hopefully you guys can pick them out! LOL!


                • I can see the point that the trem might seem to be misrepresented. You could make the point that its FR's fault for making so many different models that look identical. But Charvel obviously knows the difference because they dont put these korean floyds on their CS guitars. Some people dont see any difference, some say its night and day, and some are just hung up on the point of the matter. What you can do is buy a "real" floyd and do what this guy does.|294%3A50

                  Hes been selling these for around $150 for months. Of course he totally misrepresents the item as being USA made but I would think that most people would realize that no trems are made in the USA (maybe kahler?). So, basically for $50 you can have a good old "real" OFR or ROFR or GOFR for genuine on your new guitar. What I dont understand is how hes selling these for so much when you can get the same thing from guitarpartsdepot for $90. Just more people who dont do their homework, I guess.


                  • What I dont understand is how hes selling these for so much when you can get the same thing from guitarpartsdepot for $90. Just more people who dont do their homework, I guess.
                    I think those are chinese made and not as good as the ones on the charvels.


                    • To each their own, but I haven't noticed any problems with the floyd on my So-Cal, and I give it a pretty regular beating.


                      • Ditto, I had to replace a stripped screw, but that was because of me and not the trem itself. Built pretty tough.
                        Ratt & Roll


                        • Originally posted by Rich#6 View Post
                          I think those are chinese made and not as good as the ones on the charvels.

                          I was thinking of this one. Its actually an exact copy of a FR, looks wise. I figures it was the same as the one on the charvel. I know it says special on it and all. So FR makes the real deal from Germany, another identical looking one from korea and yet another identical looking one from china? Interesting.


                          • You know what would really make it simple? If Floyd Rose had a website that described all of their models. That would make things easier.
                            Blank yo!


                            • Originally posted by Grandturk View Post
                              You know what would really make it simple? If Floyd Rose had a website that described all of their models. That would make things easier.
                              But then they would have to explain why some are allowed to have the Floyd Rose name while others are only licensed by, and that even though they bear the Floyd Rose name, they may be inferior to other models bearing the Floyd Rose name...

                              Who the hell wants to dive head first into that explanation??????


                              • Originally posted by Grandturk View Post
                                You know what would really make it simple? If Floyd Rose had a website that described all of their models. That would make things easier.
                                This is true. No mention of these other models on the FR website. Actually Ed Romans site was more helpful, that is if you believe it. The chart was very interesting.

                                According to him the Korean and chinese ones are only allowed for builders and not allowed to be sold to the public separately. He says that they are cheaper but still better than any other licensed models out there. Maybe. Its obvious that the guipartsdepot ones are not the originals so there goes part of his theory, I just wonder which asian country made them and if they actually made the parts or just assembled them.

