Originally posted by Vass
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Not to worry, I am a member on several other boards and I also realize that asking questions will draw heat from you board posters that feel internet knowledge will give you carte Blanche to act like you possess
some superior knowledge only us mere mortals can dream of.
Not that it matters now, but I am a business owner with over 20 years in the guitar field, most notably the repair spectrum. My experience with many hours of training in my profession, and the fact of having inside connections with IMC gained me friendships with Mikey Wright and Tim Wilson.
If that doesn't qualify me then perhaps you'll be more satisfied if I show you my big dick. Now if you don't mind, I'd prefer input from people who are at least in the ballpark when it comes supposed knowledge to be doled out to ordinary people like me who ask questions on the board or any other for that matter. I just don't have time for Internet board-bum elitists.
Imagine that a guy who has 1000 posts making a comment like that. I placed your Moniker on my Facebook and website to further publicize the level of arrogance and stupidity you displayed. It is now searchable in google. I dont have to prove my credentials, because I already have them you however you now have the privilege of being publicly humiliated Mr. Vass.
Now lets see you top that.
attention Mods if you feel it necessary to suspend me I will understand, but I came under attack and feel I have the right to defend myself from idiot arrogant assholes. While I am sure you dont condone this behavior it did not come unprovoked. Remember all I did was ask a question, and maybe you should prevent loose cannons from ruining the good name of JCF.