Reason I ask is I just bought a used Jackson Kelly from them; description said "Super clean...looks brand new...guitar is set scratches or dents on body or neck.
Guitar was shipped FedEx in an oversize box (no case), wrapped in bubblewrap and swimming in styrofoam peanuts. When I unpacked it, lookee what greeted me:

Oh joy! The top fin is smashed! And, guess what? You know that set-up? Have a look at how the trem sits:
(I added the visual showing how the trem is sunk into the cavity. )
I immediately e-mailed the guy and told him, then sent photos the next day. It's been two days, and I've heard squat.
I said in the e-mail that I prefer we discuss the problem via e-mail: a written correspondence lessens the chance of a you-said-he-said.
When I bought the guitar, I had called to ask about it and the guy I talked with was all sweetness and sunshine on the phone. The guitar was actually on the 'Bay, and I even (stupidly) allowed him to talk me into a direct deal. For my kindness, he got an extra percentage (no eBay/PayPal fees), and I got a damaged Kelly.
So. Anyone here deal with them? Am I getting worked up for nothing? (maybe the manager is on vacation?) Or should I call and try and straighten it out that way? I'd like to keep the guitar - but I'd want some $$$ back because I was sold damaged, not-as-described goods.
Although I don't have eBay/PayPal to make a claim with, I could dispute it with my cc company. Or, I could file a claim with FedEx.
I really don't need this crap now; I'm getting packed for vacation. Whatever I do, I want to resolve it quickly - although I checked teh FedEx site than they say you have nine months to file a claim (I guess it's like giving birth).
Thanks, guys.
Guitar was shipped FedEx in an oversize box (no case), wrapped in bubblewrap and swimming in styrofoam peanuts. When I unpacked it, lookee what greeted me:

(I added the visual showing how the trem is sunk into the cavity. )
I immediately e-mailed the guy and told him, then sent photos the next day. It's been two days, and I've heard squat.
I said in the e-mail that I prefer we discuss the problem via e-mail: a written correspondence lessens the chance of a you-said-he-said.
When I bought the guitar, I had called to ask about it and the guy I talked with was all sweetness and sunshine on the phone. The guitar was actually on the 'Bay, and I even (stupidly) allowed him to talk me into a direct deal. For my kindness, he got an extra percentage (no eBay/PayPal fees), and I got a damaged Kelly.
So. Anyone here deal with them? Am I getting worked up for nothing? (maybe the manager is on vacation?) Or should I call and try and straighten it out that way? I'd like to keep the guitar - but I'd want some $$$ back because I was sold damaged, not-as-described goods.
Although I don't have eBay/PayPal to make a claim with, I could dispute it with my cc company. Or, I could file a claim with FedEx.
I really don't need this crap now; I'm getting packed for vacation. Whatever I do, I want to resolve it quickly - although I checked teh FedEx site than they say you have nine months to file a claim (I guess it's like giving birth).
Thanks, guys.