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  • #16
    Originally posted by john.w.lawson View Post
    just wish I knew more than three chord
    What do you need with three cords? I have one from the guitar into the BOSS MT-2 (4 teh broootalz!) and then into the amp. What's the third cord for?

    Blank yo!


    • #17
      Originally posted by john.w.lawson View Post
      Dude, I am just fucking around, they are all good!!! pre - post, whatever!! I just wish I knew more than three chord so I could really enjoy this U.S.A soloist len sent me!!! but on a side note, i have played newer gibbys that don't feel as good to me, but thats just me!!! I like what I like and every one else likes what they like, and have every right to do so!!!

      No worries. I wasn't trying to be argumentative, just saying my opinion. It's all good.

      Maybe you can teach me the three chords you know, I'll teach you the three I know, and we'll be twice as far as we were yesterday! Just hope they aren't the same three chords, or we'll be livin' AC/DC forever!
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