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Body type

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  • #16
    The Rhoads hands down. it's the most comfortable guitar for me standing or sitting. I love my Dinky and my LTD Rhoads but the production Rhoads just fits me like a glove.
    In the future though I need to remember to not buy guitars while on Nyquil


    • #17
      tele and a strat... tele wins by a notch because the body gives more punchier sound and the classic version has the most basic body... single cutaway, pretty sharp corners, no comfort contours, small top cavity... a lot of wood - a lot of tone
      love LPs too because of the cool looks and huge tone
      "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

      "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


      • #18
        Dinky/Soloist, Ibanez RG


        • #19
          Originally posted by The Rossness View Post
          The Star
          let me take that back- I'd go for the Zoraxe


          • #20
            My favorite looking body shape has got to be the Kelly. I love the easy access to the upper frets. Playability that good that high on the neck of any bass is exceptional, not to mention on an explorer-style body. Which probably accounts to some extent for the awful neck dive. On my Kelly bass, that's only made worse by the unnaturally heavy neck and headstock.

            I had something else on my mind...but nope. Kelly.
            Last edited by Chowderboots; 10-14-2009, 02:06 AM.
            From here on the nightmare only gets worse...


            • #21
              Kelly for looks and because it's mine it is the best guitar ever bui.... ahem....sorry.... Soloist/Dinky for everything else. For me, the playability and feel of Jackson superstrat styles is the most comfortable. Love the looks and "cool factor" of V's but can't get used to the feel of them.
              Every man dies... Not every man really lives!!


              • #22
                another vote for the rhoads. latvala made me buy one when I was starting with guitar playing and I really don't look back with regards to comfort and feel.

                I think the strat style guitars sell that way, because that's usually what you start with.
                none of my strat playing friends feels nearly as good on a rhoads as I do, and a strat style guitar like my charvel M5FX doesn't come close in playability sitting down for me.
                I never know wether I should rest it on my right or left leg, somewhere in between would be just perfect, and the neck is so low...

                I don't own any other body styles besides rhoads and soloist, but I guess the preference really depends on what you were grown up with as a guitar player.
                rhoads is for me and I doubt anything about that will ever change.
                tremstick give-away (performer series trem)


                • #23
                  Stabbed Poo and the Cock Dragon, there's a shape for ya!
                  "Got a crazy feeling I don't understand,
                  Gotta get away from here.
                  Feelin' like I shoulda kept my feet on the ground
                  Waitin' for the sun to appear..."


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by charvel750 View Post
                    Cock Dragon
                    I hooked up my accelerator pedal in my car to my brake lights. I hit the gas, people behind me stop, and I'm gone.


                    • #25
                      Rhoads + Warrior + Soloist / Dinky for me.

                      I love how the Rhoads shape plays and feels both standing up and sitting up. Warrior just looks cool, and the few I have tried in stores all feel very comfortable sitting down as well.

                      And of course, Soloists just feels right to me.

                      - Leo.


                      • #26
                        I started with nothing but strat copies and will say my first pick is a dinky style without an archtop will always be my first love but have recently traded a friggin Schecter for an RR3. The Rhoads body has really grown on me. Now to put something better in it for pups other than the DD invaders and I'm sure I will have a guitar that I will play until the frets are gone. Jackson truely does build some very awesome guitars.
                        I want to go out nice and peaceful in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming and hollering like the passengers in his car.


                        • #27
                          My problem with odd shapes is I never seem to feel comfortable playing standing up for some reason. No matter what guitar. So I almost always sit... Maybe if I ever get the notion to play in a band, I'll work that out..
                          Every man dies... Not every man really lives!!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Chowderboots View Post
                            My favorite looking body shape has got to be the Kelly. I love the easy access to the upper frets.
                            My favorite. Love how the body is so small where the hand meets the body on its way too the bridge. sometimes My hand hurts after playing V for a long time, but it never happens on a kelly.

                            Guitars: Jackson King V, Jackson Kelly, Jackson DXMG, Jackson DK2M, Squier Stratocaster MIJ '85 and B.C Rich Whitelock
                            Amps: Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier, Marshall Valvestate 8100 and Peavey Windsor halfstacks.


                            • #29
                              Kelly looks cool. RR is for Metal. But putting all together as playability and confort...Soloist


                              • #30
                                I really like the Charvel strats with bolt-on necks. As far as Jackson goes, soloists and v's do it for me.

