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Restoring a 750XL Charvel

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  • #31
    i have a black usa sl1 i am wanting to restore its not even 10 years old and the guy i got it from was an abuser so it has 2 or 3 dings in it one is pretty badit is about an inch and went completley through the paint. and chipped a little it of wood how can i fix it


    • #32
      Great project! I wish I could find something like that amoung the couple hundred POS guitars in my shops.
      I got to give you props! That sanding can be a mutha!
      Looking forward to seeing this one completed.


      • #33

        How did you go through it all with the sanding and the filling in the dings and dents cause your guitar looks awesomE


        • #34
          I forgot about this thread. I finished this project long ago, I need to upload the photos still. I'm not sure what the guys around here would suggest but I used automotive Bondo to fill my dents and cracks, I was told that it wouldn't shrink or crack over time or due to humidity like wood filler would. Again the veterans from here would prolly have much better advice then I can give.
          Causing chaos one note at a time!



          • #35
            I've used bondo to fill single coils (not the entire route, just the last 1/4" or so) and it's held together for 20 years.


            • #36
              Originally posted by m2pmd70 View Post
              I need to stumble onto a project like that...
              I agree with me.
              |My CSG gallery|


              • #37
                Very cool project, dude! If your not going with the guitars original color, Then I would go for any color for that beauty, do it in a flipflop color scheme. that would be cool, The wiring on those are pretty hard for the novice as it is a 5 way switch. I'll dig through my stuff I may have the schmatic. I changed mine to a 3 way like a Les Paul. Enjoy and post pics of progress

