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My Charvel tiger strip refinishing project.

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  • My Charvel tiger strip refinishing project.

    Here it is. I finally did my project I had in mind for a long time.....kinda by accident. I couldnt find a decently priced USA prod charvel to do, so I switched gears and looked on ebay for a import Charvel with a toothpaste logo that was damaged or goofed up. well, I found one and it was so nice I didnt want to paint it, but then I found that had been repainted and I didnt like how it was in a few spots. it was a green purple flip flop. when I got it, it had a few minor issues, but I was able to solve them without too much cost or trouble. I had to rewire it completely as the wiring was kinda hodge podged and taped up shabily. so I re soldered everything at assembly to my satisfaction. I re oiled the neck while it was apart as well as it needed attention. I found the guitar had been refinished before and it wasnt really what I wanted so I decided to use this as my "donor" guitar for the tiger project. I think its a Charvel "fusion" at least thats what the title said on ebay. its 24 fret, and 24 3/4 scale.

    I think I did OK, I am into this for about $425 total. the guy I bought from on ebay was way cool and he even refunded me some money when I found some issues that needed to be fixed on the guitar. I got it all fixed up, and a guy at work painted it for me, well, I kinda helped. but he did it for just some beer money. he kinda enjoyed it. Its got 6 coats of clear and he buffed it out so it really looks professional.

    here are some pics of the project. now, just so you know, the final pics dont match the progress stripes as we had a problem, the blue masking vinyl bled the black paint in spots, so we had to redo the whole thing with automotive masking tape. it worked, but was time consuming. I tried to do a random pattern with it and make it look realistic and not too uniform and fakey.

    so let me know what you think...........good, bad, stupid, ugly, great, whatever.........
    Last edited by tonemonster; 11-27-2009, 03:02 PM.
    "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder

  • #2
    It plays well & sounds good. I had a Duncan JB laying around that I got a good buy on just waiting for a home, so I popped it in. it had a bad fret buzz but I got that remedied. It had some issues when I got it, but after a little cash and work thrown at it, she came together pretty well as a player.
    "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder


    • #3
      That's a pretty good approximation of the J/C classic! I like the simple two color version like yours better than the ones with the bursty thing happening in the middle.
      "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
      - Ken M


      • #4
        That's a pretty fantastic job. Looks great.


        • #5
          If it were orange rather than yellow, it would look like Fred Flintstone's clothes.

          "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder


          • #6
            great job!


            • #7
              Does that have an ebony board on it?


              • #8
                Kick ass!! Love that graphic/color combo.


                • #9
                  Very nice job
                  Charvel 7308 (TMZ 008), Charvel Pro-mod (yellow), Jackson Soloist Custom (Yellow), Jackson SL2H-V Natural, Gibson LPS DB, Gibson LPS EB, Gibson LPCC C, Charvel Model 2 (scalloped), Jackson DK2M (white), Charvel Journeyman, Fender Classic Player 60's strat, Carvin C66, Musikraft strat mutt, Warmoth Strat mutt, Fender MIM Jazz bass, Epiphone Classical, Takamine parlor. Marshall 2203, Marshall JVM 210H, Splawn Nitro, Fender Supersonic 22, Line 6 AX2 212, Marshall 4X12.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by RR666 View Post
                    Does that have an ebony board on it?
                    no sir, it is rosewood.
                    "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by tonemonster View Post
                      no sir, it is rosewood.
                      I guess the lighting in the picture made it look like ebony.


                      • #12
                        looks great


                        • #13
                          wow that came out great...nice work!
                 - info, pics and Charvel guitar discussion board. All things Charvel
                          My Charvel guitars - always one away from too many!


                          • #14
                            People are getting pretty f**king good at these restorations. Excellent job!!!


                            • #15
                              I have to say that looks really sweet and shiny. Nice job!

