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Just got my first Jackson Rhoads!

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  • Just got my first Jackson Rhoads!

    I'm happy to say that I just picked up my first Jackson Rhoads on Sunday. It's a 2007, black RR3. Got it off CraigsList for $275.

    I have two of the old Seymour Duncan LiveWire "Metal" humbuckers that I'm going to throw in it. I'll also be ordering a gold Floyd Rose PRO and gold tuners, knobs, lock nut, strap locks, etc, etc.

    What do you guys think? Not bad for $275?????

    2007 Jackson RR3 (black) FOR SALE
    Seymour Duncan Metal LiveWires
    Vintage 30 Celestions

  • #2
    Nice guitar, I got my first Rhoads earlier this year. Traded a Shecter for it, hated the Schecter so it was an awesome deal I guess. Mine is a 2005 Trans black RR3 with chrome hardware and now has Duncan Distortion set in it. I'm wanting to do the same thing as you and go all gold on the hardware but I think I'm going to have to settle for a repaint instead (Polka dot). Nice guitar dude hope it treats you well.
    I want to go out nice and peaceful in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming and hollering like the passengers in his car.


    • #3
      yeah you stole that. great deal you got, i love my rr3, identical. post it with the gold, i was contemplating about the same on mine.
      KE3 CUSTOM
      RR3 PRO


      • #4
        IIRC, you need to do some routing to fit the Floyd Rose PRO. Get a normal gold Original Floyd Rose. I use to have an rr3 in the same colour. They're okay guitars.
        Ibanez J-Custom RG8420ZD
        Ibanez S520EX
        Jackson DK2M


        • #5
          It's pretty sweet but honestly I wouldn't bother spending the money to upgrade anything but the pickups. I mean the floyd rose+the tuners+ other gold hardware is gonna be more ten what you paid for the guitar in the first place.

          I had a really old RR3 that I was considering doing the same thing to but I'm glad I saved that money towards my KV1 instead


          • #6
            Almost had a heart attack. I've been looking at a black RR3 on Craigslist for the past day or so now. I'm just waiting for pictures. I'm really wanting it and I thought you bought it! hahaha. We're in completley different parts of North America though so no worries! Great score and beautiful guitar! Welcome to the Rhoads club!
            Jackson RR3
            Jackson Customized JS30 Warrior
            Jackson JS1 Dinky
            ESP Explorer "MORE BEER" James Hetfield replica


            • #7
              Originally posted by grahf View Post
              it's pretty sweet but honestly i wouldn't bother spending the money to upgrade anything but the pickups. I mean the floyd rose+the tuners+ other gold hardware is gonna be more ten what you paid for the guitar in the first place.

              I had a really old rr3 that i was considering doing the same thing to but i'm glad i saved that money towards my kv1 instead
              + 1 on that
              "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


              • #8
                Originally posted by rip-rhoads View Post
                Almost had a heart attack. I've been looking at a black RR3 on Craigslist for the past day or so now. I'm just waiting for pictures. I'm really wanting it and I thought you bought it! hahaha. We're in completley different parts of North America though so no worries! Great score and beautiful guitar! Welcome to the Rhoads club!
                Hahaha! Thanks.
                2007 Jackson RR3 (black) FOR SALE
                Seymour Duncan Metal LiveWires
                POD X3 LIVE (SOLD)
                Vintage 30 Celestions


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Advv View Post
                  IIRC, you need to do some routing to fit the Floyd Rose PRO. Get a normal gold Original Floyd Rose. I use to have an rr3 in the same colour. They're okay guitars.
                  You know, now that you mention it, I think I had to route out the tremolo cavity on my neck through Soloist when I put a Floyd Rose PRO on it about 13 years ago. It's been a while though, and I sold that guitar about 6 years ago, so I can't go look at it. I just cant remember what the issue was.
                  2007 Jackson RR3 (black) FOR SALE
                  Seymour Duncan Metal LiveWires
                  POD X3 LIVE (SOLD)
                  Vintage 30 Celestions


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Grahf View Post
                    It's pretty sweet but honestly I wouldn't bother spending the money to upgrade anything but the pickups. I mean the floyd rose+the tuners+ other gold hardware is gonna be more then what you paid for the guitar in the first place.
                    That's why I don't mind upgrading the parts. Because I got it for such a good deal. The fact that it's bolt on doesn't bug me even slightly, or make me feel as if it's substandard or a lesser guitar in any way.

                    I've been playing for 20 years now........I've had bolt on Jacksons, neck through Jacksons, Gibsons with glued in necks, Ibanez guitars with bolt on all types of woods you can imagine.........I know I'm probably gonna make alot of you hate me for it, as a lot of people will disagree, but I'm gonna have to say that there's no substantial (or should I say "better") difference in tone, playability or sustain from having a neck through guitar. Yes, the tone will be different, but that's because you have a guitar that's almost entirely maple when it's a neck through design. This makes the guitar sounds different, but not a definite "better".
                    2007 Jackson RR3 (black) FOR SALE
                    Seymour Duncan Metal LiveWires
                    POD X3 LIVE (SOLD)
                    Vintage 30 Celestions


                    • #11
                      Wow, you're putting the LWHMET in the neck position? Never seen anybody do that before.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by D-EJ915 View Post
                        Wow, you're putting the LWHMET in the neck position? Never seen anybody do that before.
                        Yeah, I'm slapping one in the neck position, too. I had both of them in a Jackson Fusion EX back around '93 or '94. I LOVED it, but it was total overkill for the funk/rock band I was playing in back then. I switched to an EMG 81/85 combo for that band. I really fell in love with the EMG 85. In a Jackson Soloist (neck through) that I picked up a few years later, I used an EMG 85 in the bridge with an EMG 89 in the neck. The 85 is a very versitile pickup, and it's sounds super smooth. I like it WAY better than the 81. I'll go as far as saying that I hate the 81 compared to the 85.

                        One of my all time favorites though is the Duncan '59! That thing is so smooth and tight! Not much output, but TONE, TONE, TONE!
                        2007 Jackson RR3 (black) FOR SALE
                        Seymour Duncan Metal LiveWires
                        POD X3 LIVE (SOLD)
                        Vintage 30 Celestions


                        • #13
                          RR3! Thats a great price man! Jacksons are so expensive here in Europe,but still worth it though
                          AEKARA OMADARA!
                          Jackson RR3

                          Someday, an RR1

