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Jackson Vs. Charvel ?

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  • Jackson Vs. Charvel ?

    I have been away from this for so long, that I have no clue as to what is what anymore. Last time I was here, I was big into Charvels, but you really could't get them, like you can now, so I went with soloists.

    Well, Like a dummy, I sold all my stuff about 5 years ago and now, I check the prices of the soloists and they seem like they are around 5-800.00 more that what I paid for them.

    Is that correct??!!!

    Any Event, I see they now have started making the Charvels again, I always liked the look of the strat body vs, the soloist, but anyway, they seem to be a lot cheaper than the soloist.

    So other than the looks obiously and the bolt on neck, what are the main differences in a
    a 2 hum Charvel with the strat body and the soloist? For EX, Neck feel , sound etc.

    Thanks for any help!

    Madness Reigns......... In the Hall of the Mountain King!

  • #2
    The Jacksons neck will be different I believe the production series Charvels are close to original charvel necks in shape and feel...

    I would think that the Jacksons would have slightly more attention to detail, and likely much better wood selection..

    Another factor is the Korean Floyd the FRT 2000 on the Charvels, nto a bad unit by all accounts all the arm is often wobbly, so most end up installing a Scahller OFR one isntead...

    Grover tuners as opposed to the oem gooth one son the usa Jacksons...

    Err and the Purple Socal is rediculously nice...

    The candy blue SD-1 is also incredibly sexy..


    • #3
      Soloists have a flatter neck. I find the charvel's neck to be the bees knees. Its comparable to a wolfgang. Charvel's are a great platform to mod, Lots of guys are swapping out the stock pup's. I have 2 of the new ones and haven't had a problem with the floyd. Soloists are nice, but the necks on the Charvel's seal the deal for me.


      • #4
        Well, it has been so long since I had either of my soloists, but I rember liking the neck. They were finished as well and I don't know if that is something I would like or not with the Charvels. I was never fortunate enough to have played any of them back in the day either

        Thing that sucks, the area I live in, you can't just go out an play these things, you have to just kinda guess as to what you want
        Madness Reigns......... In the Hall of the Mountain King!


        • #5
          They're very different from each other. If you really loved your Soloists, my recommendation is to buy a nice used one. The prices on new ones are high, but the used market is great for buyers right now.


          • #6

            What I have had the last 5 years, is a Strat Body with an older Charvel pointy headstock. I had it built out of pieces, and it was the only guitar I kept. Would the Newer Charvels be much different that it?
            Madness Reigns......... In the Hall of the Mountain King!


            • #7
              Probably pretty similar. A little more full in profile than most pointy necks (USA or import), but most people find them very comfortable. The rolled fretboard edges are one of my favorite things about them.

              Another thing that I don't think has been mentioned yet -- the new Charvels have non-recessed trems, which may or may not make a difference to you. The difference in string height off the body can be a big deal for some people who are used to playing a recessed trem. I don't mind switching back & forth, but I prefer non-recessed.
              Last edited by dg; 01-15-2010, 11:19 AM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Riffmeister View Post
                Well, it has been so long since I had either of my soloists, but I rember liking the neck. They were finished as well and I don't know if that is something I would like or not with the Charvels. I was never fortunate enough to have played any of them back in the day either

                Thing that sucks, the area I live in, you can't just go out an play these things, you have to just kinda guess as to what you want
                I hang out in Cinci and Nashville. I've only seen a ProMod at the Cinci GC once (candy blue). They aren't very common to find in a store to see if they are for you.


                • #9
                  You could always order one and return it if you don't like it (Pro Mod).

                  The Charvels and a USA Soloist have a completely different feel. I like them both, but if I could only have one, it would be the Soloist.

