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new member just bought sl3 and has a few questions...?

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  • new member just bought sl3 and has a few questions...?

    hey everybody...
    first thanks for all the great info from everyone - especially RacerX. i just got this sl3 serial num...002074 - which i believe makes it a 2000 or 1990? im going w 2000 but 1990 would be extra sweet. sorry no pics. its getting set up at the shop right now. but i am dying to know...did i get a good deal for $300? the poor thing was hanging w a bunch of not so savory strat types in a pawn shop, covered in boogers and fingerprints and dust; two broken strings. it cleaned up ever so nicely. for an unbound neck? it plays and looks beautiful. anyways howdy up? whats this thing worth? its near mint...
    ...I will secretly play a Les Paul when nobody is looking...

    WTB really badly...Dean Custom 450 w emg's...

    LTD M200fm

  • #2
    it would be a 2000. The SL3 wasn't a twinkle in its daddy's eye back in 1990.

    $300 seems like a very nice deal to me. Welcome to the JCF
    Hail yesterday


    • #3
      yeah, considering they're like 1k+ new, 300 is a steal
      Wish I could add Pics to this thing!!

