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Your first Jackson/Charvel?

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  • #91
    The one that hooked me....

    Insert annoying equipment list here....


    • #92
      Mine was an 86(?) Model, with rosewood board and dot inlays, and a kahler. I paid $450 at the time, and it came with a tweed hard case.

      I'd been playing an alpine white Gibson SG prior to of those odd 80's models I bought new that had an ebony board, dots, and three knobs. Not a bad guitar, but the Charvel blew it away. It sounded so dead in comparison.

      Over the years I had a Jackson trem installed and took out all of the switches, knobs and electronics. I settled on a Full Shred in the bridge and was very happy with it...later on loaned it to a "friend" who I later found out had pawned or sold it for drugs. Fuck drugs. I wish I still had it.

      A few years before that, I found a NOS Model 1 that had been sitting in it's case for eight years and got it for about $140. Installed a schaller and SD distortion and never even thought about another guitar for almost 20 years. Those model series are the shit.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Chief_CrazyTalk View Post
        Mine was an 86(?) Model, with rosewood board and dot inlays, and a kahler. I paid $450 at the time, and it came with a tweed hard case.

        I'd been playing an alpine white Gibson SG prior to of those odd 80's models I bought new that had an ebony board, dots, and three knobs. Not a bad guitar, but the Charvel blew it away. It sounded so dead in comparison.

        Over the years I had a Jackson trem installed and took out all of the switches, knobs and electronics. I settled on a Full Shred in the bridge and was very happy with it...later on loaned it to a "friend" who I later found out had pawned or sold it for drugs. Fuck drugs. I wish I still had it.

        A few years before that, I found a NOS Model 1 that had been sitting in it's case for eight years and got it for about $140. Installed a schaller and SD distortion and never even thought about another guitar for almost 20 years. Those model series are the shit.
        Too funny. I picked up a black Model 4 with a single Full Shred in it a couple of months ago.

        If you want your red one back, it's at Nashville Used Music for $300, and in fairly good shape. Some parts replaced.


        • #94
          Mine was a Pearl White Charvel Model 2. Got it in high school, 1982 or 1983, I'd say. Wish I still had it.


          • #95
            Originally posted by quiksilver View Post
            Mine was a Pearl White Charvel Model 2. Got it in high school, 1982 or 1983, I'd say. Wish I still had it.
            The Model series were first introduced in 1986.
            MakeAJazzNoiseHere: You kidding me? I'd suck her fartbox dry in a heartbeat. 9/29/2011 quote about Megan Fox


            • #96
              Thank you. I'll check it out to see if it is indeed my old Model 1. I want that thing back so bad!

              From what I remember, the FS sounded great in the Model 4.


              • #97
                Here is me on stage in Hollywood in '85 with my first Charvel. Purchased new in the same year:

                Henning Amplification Website -
                My Music Page (Mojave PeaceMaker, Axe-FX, Mesa MKIV and PODXT Pro Clips)


                • #98
                  Wow that's cool. Do you still have it? And what the heck is the guy behind you playing, and why is he trying to bite your headstock? lol
                  |My CSG gallery|


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by m2pmd70 View Post
                    Wow that's cool. Do you still have it?
                    I wish. I ended up selling that guitar in '89 when I stopped playing in bands. I had (unbelievably) already re-finished it in black blowing away that custom Jack Daniels graphic. At the time, I thought it was too much of a cliche for someone in a hard rock band. The guitar also originally had a Kahler, which, as you can see, I replaced with a Floyd. If I only knew then what I know now... (bangs head against wall...)

                    Originally posted by m2pmd70 View Post
                    And what the heck is the guy behind you playing, and why is he trying to bite your headstock? lol
                    HA! He is playing a star he built from parts that was painted by GMW...

                    Henning Amplification Website -
                    My Music Page (Mojave PeaceMaker, Axe-FX, Mesa MKIV and PODXT Pro Clips)


                    • my first one came just this past weekend. a mid 90's ps-4 other than the previous owner trying and failing at setting it up, it plays great, i dont think i'm keeping it though, the action is the nicest of any guitar i've ever owned but the sound isnt for me i dont think. i play alot of classic rock, i used to play in a jazz band and though the sound of the Jackson is super hot, it isnt for me. i'd like to get it sold, get myself a squier jagmaster and pocket some cash to pay some vet bills


                      • 86 Charvel Model 2 from Piano's Plus in Niles Michigan if memory serves me correct. Hopefully I can find some old picks. Been playing Dinkiy Rev's and Fusions for the better part of 20 years or more. well after I traded my Charvel for a Marshall JCM800.
                        An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
                        A tooth for a tooth means we all eat through a straw.


                        • Originally posted by Rsmacker View Post
                          My first one was my Jackson Strat with the snakeskin paint, serial # 12**, bought in Hollywood Guitar Centre, August 1989. (The one that got me into trouble with Customs)
                          That's a bit of of a coinkidink - I spent a couple of weeks in Hollywood in '89.
                          I bloody near followed through the first time I went into the Guitar Centre!
                          Remember these?

                          My first Jackson was a USA Strat. 2 Hums and a JT-6. It had a hideous paintjob - beautifully done, but stoopid. It was the Terminator "CSM-101" script graphic with painted-on bulletholes. Really not as cool as it sounds, I've probably got pictures somewhere.
                          Played really well, once I'd ditched the locknut for a Floyd one. Weighed a ton however. I eventually had it painted black, and traded it for something. Buggered if I can remember what though...


                          • It was September of '88- a black Charvel Model 3. Some son of a b*tch stole it from our rehearsal/storage garage just outside Seattle, WA. Corksucking iceholes also made off with a BC Rich ST III and a Peavey VTM head and 4 x 12 cab. Damn! Who started this thread? Thanks for dredging up the fond memories!


                            • In 1988 I bought a Charvette, strat-style, HSS, locking trem, black, pointy head. I dropped an EMG 85 in the bridge. Not a great guitar-- played OK but acoustically was very dead.

                              Couple years later I picked up a CX391 which was much better. I put a PAF Pro in the bridge of that one and it was my main guitar for about 2 years.


                              • Originally posted by Snoogans View Post
                                It was the Terminator "CSM-101" script graphich...
                                This one?

                                Live your life like you're going to die your own death
                                No one from above is going to take your last breath

