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Everyone's first guitar was a Charvel, Right?

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  • #16
    Black and silver striped ala EVH Hondo here. The thing would not stay in tune for shit.


    • #17
      Not a Charvel but it was a pointy head stock Charvel/Jackson Strat style guitar. Can't remember the name. Red body, black pickguard with three single coils.


      • #18
        My first guitar was a Kramer Focus 6000 with a pointy headstock... Bought it almost mint from a pawn shop back in 1989 for I believe $90

        I had it until a fire destroyed it in 2006.. I was truly sad but the insurance company gave me enough to buy a real Pacer Custom to replace it.

        Here's my only digital pic of it and it's obviously after the fire.


        • #19
          My first was a Peavey Mantis in the mid 80's, then several Kramers. Finally got a Jackson around 92, and my first Charvel (Model 4) about 2 years ago. Around the same time as the Charvel I bought another Mantis for sentimental reasons!


          • #20
            Nope, Charvel wasn't my first. That was a cheap Harmony that looked like a strat or jaguar. Then a cheap Les Paul copy, then a Univox strat with three HB's...then a Gibson SG. Soon after I found a used Model 4 and finally had a great guitar...I loved that thing.

            A few years later I found a Model 1 and had a Schaller and SD distortion installed...amazing. I love the model series.

            Veniculum...wasn't that a JB Player? I had a hs buddy who had one years ago. This was in CT.


            • #21
              You sure paid a great price for it! ( i had a focus 6000 and i paid $379.00 for it brand new in 85' i think?


              • #22
                I had a POS strat copy, like almost everyone... Then after another guitar I can't remember the name of (It was an SG copy) I got a Model 6, which I still have.
                I like EL34s.


                • #23
                  My first electric was a Washburn Raven back in about 1984. I never had a Charvel until about 3 years ago and sold the last one at the end of 2009.
                  My Duncan Designed pickups are way better than Seymour Duncan regular pickups you fanboy.

                  Yeah...too bad the forum doesn't have a minimum IQ.


                  • #24
                    I Inherited an Aria Pro II in my first year of high school, which I stupidly traded for a Kay SG-shaped plywood POS. Upholstered that sucker in red velvet & brass tacks, and played it until I inherited a small ammount- enough to buy my first "real" guitar.
                    Laid out all my money on a sunburst American Standard Tele. Played that for 3 years until I found my Holy Grail in '94- My treasured main axe Charvel Surfcaster 12 in burgundy metallic.
                    Every other guitar I've played sounds like ass since then (esp. 12-strings. Nothing compares) so I've picked up a few more- I've got 4 now, and play them all. (2 different stage tunings, 1 feedback machine, and 1 backup) 2 more colors and I'll have the set complete!
                    I will sacrifice Gracie Law to appease my emperor and live out my earthly pleasures with Miao Yin!


                    • #25
                      My first electric wasn't a Charvel, but a knock off...Arbor star, explorer headstock, black with creme binding on fretboard and body, single hum, and vintage trem. Plywood body, with a mahogany set neck. Found out it was plywood when I decided to cut the front horn off, to make it balance better! I was pretty stupid back then...I still have it, but it's pretty trashed now. I probably could have made it a decent playing guitar. Oh well...


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by mccullpl View Post
                        Found out it was plywood when I decided to cut the front horn off, to make it balance better! I was pretty stupid back then...I still have it, but it's pretty trashed now. I probably could have made it a decent playing guitar. Oh well...
                        In my youth, I wrecked more than a couple of guitars that I wish I had now. I remember destroying an Ibanez Destroyer in the late 80's while practicing with my buddy's router. It came stock with a single hum and I wanted to make a Phil clone with three hums. Virtually made the guitar worthless with a few deep passes of the router.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by tcwil8 View Post
                          In my youth, I wrecked more than a couple of guitars that I wish I had now. I remember destroying an Ibanez Destroyer in the late 80's while practicing with my buddy's router. It came stock with a single hum and I wanted to make a Phil clone with three hums. Virtually made the guitar worthless with a few deep passes of the router.
                          Been there too! Have a '84 ish X series Destroyer (red metallic, like Adrian Smith's, but with a bolt on maple neck). Sometime in the late '80s, I decided everything needed a neck humbucker. Hell, I didn't even use a router, just my friends' Dad's drill press! I have an Ibanez 540P that also fell victim around the same time...


                          • #28
                            My first was a scratch-and-dent Yamaha 120SD (H-H tele body). Then a Jackon King V Std, then an Ibanez S470, then an Ibanez 7-string something, then a Charvel Predator, then a Jackson Kelly XL, then Jackson Kelly Std, then an OLP Petrucci.

                            I'm down to just Ibby 7 string, the Predator, and the Kelly Std now, but the Predator is my favorite by far.


                            • #29
                              Tobacco burst Hondo copy of a Les Paul. My first Charvel was not until '88- a model 3 which got stolen in Seattle. Since then I have acquired two Charvel Stars (3d one on the way) a super sweet desert crackle Jackson San Dimas Dinky (???) a purple Kelly Pro Std., a RR Pro Std. in a faux granite finish, a heavily modded black Kelly Pro Std. and finally an even heavier modded RR Ex.


                              • #30
                                My first was a Montgomery Wards catalog buy with an amp from the same catalog. I think together they cost 120.00. I played the sh*t out of it. I still have it too...its junk! Anyways, my next couple were a Harmony start copy (like Dave Murray from IM) then a wood finished Harmony flying V. Both we're eventually pawned at the local pawn shop and I got my first real guitar, a fender strat. I got my one and only Charvel a couple of years later when I bought it from a guy in the Navy who was being shipped over seas and couldn't take it with him. (there's pics of me on here some where with it)
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