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Jackson Twang?

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  • Jackson Twang?

    Hello, I have 2 dinkys and I'd like to have 3. Thing is i enjoy playing lotsa Scott Henderson and Stevie Ray Vaughan. That's why I have a singlecoil from a fender mexico in one of my jacksons.

    Should I buy another dinky or should I buy a Fender American Standard?
    Will I "get away" with the sound of a really really good singlecoil in one of my jacksons or do I NEED a fender strat to get closer to the real deal sound of SRV and Scott?

  • #2
    You want that sweet single coil singing tone? My advice is to grab an older 80's Charvel Model 3. Not the 3A, but the 3. A 1986 Model (pickguarded) if you can find one on the bay or craigslist. It is my go to guitar for just about all styles (easily covers them all), and that neck single is so sweet sounding. Rocks that SRV tone! I've never heard a single coil sound so good as the Jackson J-100's that came in those Charvels. On top of that you get that killer 80's tone from the humbucker in the bridge.

    Good Luck!!
    I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.


    • #3
      If you want a guitar for ONLY these two, I'd go for the Fender. But if you also want to play heavier stuff with the new guitar...

      Of course, you can always customize your third Jackson to get closer to the bluesy tone you want, but this takes time, can be risky and it also costs more. As you already have two Jacksons, you can play the heavier stuff you like with these two, and buy a fender for the soft music you want to play. Fenders were build for this style, so you'll probably get a good sound very easily, and anyway easier than with a metal guitar such as a Jackson.

      You don't "NEED" the fender but it's the choice I would make, especially since you already have two dinkys. It's like a guy who would buy all three RR24s because of the different colours, in the end they sound the same and you don't get new possibilities.


      • #4
        Okay I've red these two answers and I really think Nagash's answer is the best
        Last edited by devreaux; 06-07-2010, 12:24 PM.


        • #5
          I have a DK2 on order, and I'm hoping I can get that strat neck pickup sound, or at least close to it. That said, you could just get a strat and be done with it. I had a CP50's I paid less than $600 for and it had all of the definitive strat tones you could want. I hear the MIMs are very good too.

          I'm curious as to whether the stock SDs sound good enough, or if a Fender 57 would be better. I think where the pickup is makes a big difference too. Maybe the dinky, with its smaller body and 24 fret neck, places the pickup(s) "off" relative to the classic fender design?


          • #6
            Get an Adrian Smith Dinky imo.

            Have the two Fender Single Coils in the mid and neck for your fender tones and the SD for heavier things.
            I like EL34s.


            • #7
              Remember, Jackson was the "Super Strat" originator. You're going to get all you need in a Jackson. Strat tones, metal tones, you name it there it is.
              "Got a crazy feeling I don't understand,
              Gotta get away from here.
              Feelin' like I shoulda kept my feet on the ground
              Waitin' for the sun to appear..."


              • #8
                If you want a Strat tone, get a Strat. A guitar with a Floyd and a humbucker in the bridge isn't going to pull it off.


                • #9
                  Jackson was the superstrat originator yes, but a superstrat is not a strat ! With the guitars he already has, he can play anything from rock to metal, that's what Jacksons are made for. Fenders are typically blues and funk guitars, and blues is what he wants to play (check the artists on wikipedia if you don't believe me ^^). Of course he could buy a third dinky, destroy it to put in three single coils, OR he could buy a strat that doesn't need any mods, costs less and fits the style much better (plus giving his a distinct tone he can't gat with his Jacksons).

                  I'm not teaching lessons like "I know best listen to me" but be sensible. Jacksons are great, I'm into Jackson and ESP much more than into Fender cause they don't suit MY style, but if you read his post it's clearly a Fender he should get. Even the Adrian Smith wouldn't fit, it's way heavier than a strat. I stick to it, go Fender.


                  • #10
                    I love the sound of the single coil on my Jackson, but its not a Fender...get the strat!


                    • #11
                      Ummm....ok, you guys know best. Go play your strats and leave the Jacksons for the big boys. Duh, I can get strat tones all day long from my neck through Floyded Soloist, so go fuck yourself. If you have to ask, you probably don't know. And as for "twang" that's really more of a Tele tone, Strats have "glass" and "quack."
                      "Got a crazy feeling I don't understand,
                      Gotta get away from here.
                      Feelin' like I shoulda kept my feet on the ground
                      Waitin' for the sun to appear..."


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by charvel750 View Post
                        Ummm....ok, you guys know best. Go play your strats and leave the Jacksons for the big boys. Duh, I can get strat tones all day long from my neck through Floyded Soloist, so go fuck yourself. If you have to ask, you probably don't know. And as for "twang" that's really more of a Tele tone, Strats have "glass" and "quack."

                        You don't handle conflicting opinions very well, do you?


                        • #13
                          No he doesn't. @ charvel750 :
                          1) Don't insult people, if you do nobody will listen to you
                          2) Don't do as if you were superior, it makes you appear disrespectful
                          3) If you think your soloist can sound EXACTLY like a strat, you have a serious problem. Either you're just shitty at feeling sound, or your ears have been damaged somehow.

                          Next time try to be objective, unbiased, and give ARGUMENTS that will make everyone want to believe and/or agree with you. As I said, insults are not convincing. We know you like Jacksons, but that doesn't make them the best guitars in the world. Explain why they are, and if you give enough good arguments, we will believe you. Give it a try, I'm sure you have interesting things to say.


                          • #14

                            All I know is I want a 3-tite soloist one day for the strat tones but the neckthrough feel I love.
                            GTWGITS! - RacerX


                            • #15
                              Look, I've had literally hundreds of Jacksons come through my hands over the years I've been collecting. They are not just for metal. If you know how to play and can handle it, you can get Strat tones just fine from a Jackson. The best tones come from their bolt on neck (Floyded too!) Dinkys with the J-100 single coils. However, you can still get great "quack" from neck through designs too. I have an Australian Lacewood Soloist and it can get all the blues and Strat sounds that would make SRV proud. At the same time, it is versatile enough to handle brutal metal too. So please, I know what I am saying, you can absolutely get Strat sounds from a Jackson.
                              "Got a crazy feeling I don't understand,
                              Gotta get away from here.
                              Feelin' like I shoulda kept my feet on the ground
                              Waitin' for the sun to appear..."

