I've been AFK from the JCF for a reeeeeally long time, I know, I know... My bad. 'pank me. What can I say? I've been a tad occupado and hadn't had much to say on Ye Olde JCF... I have thought about you guys whilst away!
I see there are some old faces (and damn those of you who rooted for the Blackhawks, damn them, too!) and lots of new ones. Great to see the ol' Jackson brand alive and well, along with a slight resurgence of METAL! \m/ -.- \m/
Suffice to say, after a year of working with Ignitor, Erika decided to ditch the band about 4 days after the world-wide release of Road of Bones. That was a huge downer. After a few months of not finding a replacement, and being slightly dead-in-the-water because of that, and having had a great job opportunity in the Phoenix area, I decided to depart as well and moved back to AZ. That, my friends, has been as tormenting as it has been exciting. But, overall, things are really good, albeit I'm feeling rather old these days. Bah. Not as old as some of YOU! HAHAHA!
During the past 2+ years I've been in AZ I picked up my guitars for maybe a half hour... TOTAL. yeah, you read that right. I didn't play much. BAD ANNAH!!!! Oh well. I was bummed. Jaded. Pissed. Frustrated with musicians. Etc., etc., etc. But as fate would have it, it does appear that I finally (after checking out several uber-flaky musicians) have found a VERY cool group with which to parlay my shredd-a-riffic brand of axe-slinging! I'm super excited about this, and expect a definitive answer this week, but things are looking really good. WOOT!
So there is something axe-related that's on my mind.... 7 strings. I've not played a 7-string in my life (well, once when I worked at GC and I hated it). So I'm looking at the SLAT3-7 and wondering who here has one, loves it, hates it, has any recommendations, etc. I'm not certain that I'll go the 7-string route, but at this point I'm pondering it with fierce curiosity.
Big hugs to all my old buddies here! Missed ya!!!!
I've been AFK from the JCF for a reeeeeally long time, I know, I know... My bad. 'pank me. What can I say? I've been a tad occupado and hadn't had much to say on Ye Olde JCF... I have thought about you guys whilst away!

I see there are some old faces (and damn those of you who rooted for the Blackhawks, damn them, too!) and lots of new ones. Great to see the ol' Jackson brand alive and well, along with a slight resurgence of METAL! \m/ -.- \m/
Suffice to say, after a year of working with Ignitor, Erika decided to ditch the band about 4 days after the world-wide release of Road of Bones. That was a huge downer. After a few months of not finding a replacement, and being slightly dead-in-the-water because of that, and having had a great job opportunity in the Phoenix area, I decided to depart as well and moved back to AZ. That, my friends, has been as tormenting as it has been exciting. But, overall, things are really good, albeit I'm feeling rather old these days. Bah. Not as old as some of YOU! HAHAHA!
During the past 2+ years I've been in AZ I picked up my guitars for maybe a half hour... TOTAL. yeah, you read that right. I didn't play much. BAD ANNAH!!!! Oh well. I was bummed. Jaded. Pissed. Frustrated with musicians. Etc., etc., etc. But as fate would have it, it does appear that I finally (after checking out several uber-flaky musicians) have found a VERY cool group with which to parlay my shredd-a-riffic brand of axe-slinging! I'm super excited about this, and expect a definitive answer this week, but things are looking really good. WOOT!
So there is something axe-related that's on my mind.... 7 strings. I've not played a 7-string in my life (well, once when I worked at GC and I hated it). So I'm looking at the SLAT3-7 and wondering who here has one, loves it, hates it, has any recommendations, etc. I'm not certain that I'll go the 7-string route, but at this point I'm pondering it with fierce curiosity.
Big hugs to all my old buddies here! Missed ya!!!!