Does a Squier fit into the "General Jackson/Charvel Talk" section? Meh, who cares, this is funny:

Say no to wood, instead try cocaine. This seems to be the mantra of the cocaine-made electric guitar carried by a guy in his 30s who flew lately from Costa Rica to Fiumicino airport in Rome. It’s illegal but unique! The scratched label on the black Squier Strat reads a $3,598,002 (2.5 million Euros) as its price tag. This won’t have been in news had custom officials not identified the white powder leaking out of the guitar as proven cocaine after the examination. Also, the 10 thermos flasks residing in his luggage are made up of cocaine solution. What adds the weight to the news is the 3 kg of pure cocaine with a market value of 2.5 million Euros that has been used as a major ingredient to design this guitar.

Say no to wood, instead try cocaine. This seems to be the mantra of the cocaine-made electric guitar carried by a guy in his 30s who flew lately from Costa Rica to Fiumicino airport in Rome. It’s illegal but unique! The scratched label on the black Squier Strat reads a $3,598,002 (2.5 million Euros) as its price tag. This won’t have been in news had custom officials not identified the white powder leaking out of the guitar as proven cocaine after the examination. Also, the 10 thermos flasks residing in his luggage are made up of cocaine solution. What adds the weight to the news is the 3 kg of pure cocaine with a market value of 2.5 million Euros that has been used as a major ingredient to design this guitar.