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Sam Ash dropping Jackson

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  • #16
    Last edited by texasfury; 01-11-2012, 07:10 PM.
    Just a guitar player...


    • #17
      The guitar center in NYC, has only cheap-o Jacksons and cheap LTD's and tons of Schecters. The only high-end guitars at guitarcenter is a JEM and a few prestige Ibanez's and the rest is just mountains and mountains of overpriced Les Pauls and Fender Strats. This guitarcenter sucks BALLS.

      The Sam Ash in NYC has one or two Japanese neck-thru and one Dave Mustaine signed USA King V. They also had a few Charvels. Maybe this Sam Ass isnt as bad as the rest...


      • #18
        Originally posted by texasfury View Post
        In all honesty, were any of you gonna buy a Jackson at Sam Ash anyway unless it was at an insane blowout price? Its like when people were crying about the Camaro being discontinued in 2003. Then when asked if they'd have bought a 2003, people went "hell no I'm buying a Camry!"
        I was more pissed about the TA's myself..

        Is there any other brand of guitar...?

        My fleet of guitars


        • #19
          Originally posted by dg View Post
          Ahahah. That running around panicked smiley is my favorite ever.
          GTWGITS! - RacerX


          • #20
            Originally posted by Hellbat View Post
            Ahahah. That running around panicked smiley is my favorite ever.
            I like that one, too.


            • #21
              Personally it doesn't bother me anyway since I refuse to own a Jackson made after the Fender buyout. But I might have considered a Custom Shop purchase in the future.


              • #22
                Originally posted by bratfink View Post
                Personally it doesn't bother me anyway since I refuse to own a Jackson made after the Fender buyout. But I might have considered a Custom Shop purchase in the future.


                • #23
                  We don't have a Sam Ash locally, but as far as I can tell, GC is converting their business model to offering mostly low-end beginners' equipment across the board, not just in the guitar department. They don't even carry as many Gibson and PRS instruments anymore. Lots of Epiphones, Mexi-Fenders/Squiers and Lagunas, though. Since Sam Ash is basically just the "me too" version of GC these days, I'm sure they're doing the same thing.

                  My guess is that online retailers have grabbed a huge percentage of the market for high-end guitars, and probably even for medium-level stuff like the nicer Schecters, LTDs, and Japanese Jacksons. GC and Sam Ash apparently have realized that they're better off catering to the 13-year-old who walks in with Mom and Dad, and who can be suckered into buying an overpriced piece of Chinese or Indonesian crap. Probably a lot easier and more profitable than dealing picky old bastards like us.

                  I think Jackson will survive just fine, in other words.
                  Last edited by pro-fusion; 07-20-2010, 03:03 PM.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by bratfink View Post
                    Personally it doesn't bother me anyway since I refuse to own a Jackson made after the Fender buyout. But I might have considered a Custom Shop purchase in the future.

                    Well it goes like this...

                    Ah, nevermind.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by bratfink View Post
                      Personally it doesn't bother me anyway since I refuse to own a Jackson made after the Fender buyout. But I might have considered a Custom Shop purchase in the future.
                      What is wrong with a Jackson made after the Fender buy out?


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by unknown View Post
                        What is wrong with a Jackson made after the Fender buy out?
                        What is even more strange is the the one making that statement is the same one that started the thread.
                        That's where my "nevermind" comes from.
                        Why should he care?


                        • #27
                          He doesn't.

                          But from a brand loyalty point of view I like to see Jackson's hanging on guitar shop walls. It doesn't matter that my personal preference is for older model's, it's that young guitarists might not have the opportunity to handle high end Jacksons and dream of 'one day' in the way I did when I was that age.

                          For that matter it was an 'of interest' post aimed at highlighting the potential lost market by not haveing at least one or two high end Jacksons hanging in a high profile store.

                          In terms of what is wrong with FMIC Jacksons, probably nothing. I just like the old ones. I also like the old Kahler trems, so I guess that makes me a complete outcast :-)


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by bratfink View Post
                            He doesn't.

                            I also like the old Kahler trems, so I guess that makes me a complete outcast :-)
                            Yes it does, now get back in the corner. ;-)
                            Prosecutors will be violated...


                            • #29
                              I'll get my coat

                              I guess the fact that current sales from other sources will eventually dry up if there is no market visability for new customers seems to be lost on everyone (including FMIC).

                              I see less and less high profile bands using Jackson, I see less of them in stores. Regardless of the fact the company 'can do fine' without those marketing tools (for now), if this continues an entire generation of young players will have no reason to ever want a Jackson. And when that happens the brand is dead.

                              I don't care if anyone ever buys a guitar at SA or GC, I certainly wouldn't for the prices they charge. But just to have one or two on a wall in each store gives the brand a market presence that is worth the advertising costs alone. Now if those guitars are high end models the kids that come into that store see it, and maybe are even lucky enough to be alowed to try it, are left with a permanent impression of the brand as a quality axe. They will walk out the store with a Schecter, but one day they will buy a Jackson.

                              Obviously this is less effective if the model hanging on the wall is an Indonesian built POS!

                              Clearly this strategy is a long term one, the rate of return would be low and FMIC are far too interested in making short term gain on the brand than rebuilding it's reputation to what it was. Which is strange since FMIC is the very company that is in a position to place Jackson as the high end brand and let it operate at a lower RoR whilst they shift millions of Squires etc.

                              That's why I don't buy post buyout models. I have a perception (right or wrong) that the early guitars are from an era of quality and individuality. A company that set itself above the rest. I don't get that perception from Fender's management of the brand and thus I won't buy the product. And in marketing perception is everything... just look at BP now! Regardless of who fault it is, it will always be BP's.

                              Am I just ... :dead: ?


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by bratfink View Post
                                That's why I don't buy post buyout models. I have a perception (right or wrong) that the early guitars are from an era of quality and individuality. A company that set itself above the rest. I don't get that perception from Fender's management of the brand and thus I won't buy the product. And in marketing perception is everything... just look at BP now! Regardless of who fault it is, it will always be BP's.

                                Am I just ... :dead: ?
                                You do realize that the same people are making the guitars, right? I do agree with your opinion on marketing them.

