Hey all,
So i've got the DRX and she is looking a bit dirty, so i do the right thing and strip her down to give her a clean. Much to my surprise, I find the trem block has a big-ass crack through the middle. So over to floydupgrades.com i go to get a new block. Whilst im there, i add on a new set of springs, a trem stopper and some new screws (as you do). Thats on order should be here in a week or 2.
Because im keen on a PC1 but importation is tricky and the DK2S is now discontinued and supply is an issue, i have decided to spend a bit to upgrade the axe. I have ordered a sustain pro kit for the neck, but what PUPs should i use in the bridge and middle slots?
I was thinking for the Bridge Pickup a DiMarzio Super 3 Humbucking Pickup and for
the middle pickup a DiMarzio HS2 Stacked Humbucking Pickup as I like the tone and quality and they are the same as the PC1!
But my question is, should i use the DiMarzios or would you recommend another type to compliment the sustainiac? If so, what and why ?
Thanks heaps..

So i've got the DRX and she is looking a bit dirty, so i do the right thing and strip her down to give her a clean. Much to my surprise, I find the trem block has a big-ass crack through the middle. So over to floydupgrades.com i go to get a new block. Whilst im there, i add on a new set of springs, a trem stopper and some new screws (as you do). Thats on order should be here in a week or 2.
Because im keen on a PC1 but importation is tricky and the DK2S is now discontinued and supply is an issue, i have decided to spend a bit to upgrade the axe. I have ordered a sustain pro kit for the neck, but what PUPs should i use in the bridge and middle slots?
I was thinking for the Bridge Pickup a DiMarzio Super 3 Humbucking Pickup and for
the middle pickup a DiMarzio HS2 Stacked Humbucking Pickup as I like the tone and quality and they are the same as the PC1!
But my question is, should i use the DiMarzios or would you recommend another type to compliment the sustainiac? If so, what and why ?
Thanks heaps..