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After 2 years 3 rebuilds Jackson CS failed to deliver my KV

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  • Originally posted by Grim View Post
    this thread is completely pointless. It serves no purpose other than a negative one.
    Show me a thread here that isn't pointless. Not a single JCF member has discovered a cure for cancer or AIDS. Not one person here knows the meaning of life, even if they delude themselves that they do. And not everything is positive in life - if you don't wanna read anything negative, skip to a different thread when you don't like the idea. A thread about a 'fucking awesome' CS guitar has no more 'point' than a thread venting about issues. Potential customers should know the whole picture, not just go in to something blind because something looks pretty on their PC.

    Jason and I have discussed this saga 'off line' and I can totally appreciate his frustration. I have no idea if you have ever ordered from the Custom Shop, but if not, give it a go because without experience, it's difficult to understand the frustration that can arise. And then report back. If you have and it's been everything we all want it to be then that's great. I'm super pleased for you and I know it feels great. But I have experienced several (let's call them) 'issues' with my CS orders. I don't recall if I posted details here, but in every case I was in discussion with Jackson and in every case they sorted the issue out. And that's all I want. I accept it happens (though wish it didn't), and I'm not gonna get an ulcer over something that trivial.
    Popular is not the same as good
    Rare is not the same as valuable
    Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


    • I can't believe that anybody would defend the custom shop over this. The way they dealt with AK's order is no way to run a business and they deserve to be called out on it. They were given ample chance to make it right, but they obviously couldn't or wouldn't. These sorts of errors simply cannot happen at the frequency they appear to. If the problem is with how they spec out the work orders and how they manage them internally, then they have to address that problem. And talking openly about these things is one of the few things we as customers can do about it.


      • I remember hearing stories about people in Europe ordering a custom, getting the wrong specs but since the importer already had it in Europe they were screwed and had to take the messed up order.


        • Originally posted by AK47 View Post
          I am not a Scot and how dare you to suggest that Englishman.

          If that's what you were suggesting but yeah you're right they do take a lot of shit.

          And they dish out plenty too, still a beautiful part of the country and the people can be real nice if you find the right ones and don't mention 1707... and stay away from Glasgow.


          • You better not mention 1707 to me you bastard!*

            *WTF happened in 1707?



            • The thing I don't understand, is that as we have all read, apparently there are only like 5 or 6 people working at the Jackson CS. Apparently the same guys have been there forever. Now, how many guitars are they building?

              My point is, if someone orders a white KV and they put on the wrong logo, the whole place is going to know about this. It's not like Johnny O in the back is going to turf the guitar and nobody else knows about it. So, when the order for the rebuild comes in, and something (the control layout) is spec'd differently, why is nobody double checking to make sure the change is actually wanted? This seems like common sense.


              • Originally posted by potatohead View Post
                The thing I don't understand, is that as we have all read, apparently there are only like 5 or 6 people working at the Jackson CS. Apparently the same guys have been there forever. Now, how many guitars are they building?

                My point is, if someone orders a white KV and they put on the wrong logo, the whole place is going to know about this. It's not like Johnny O in the back is going to turf the guitar and nobody else knows about it. So, when the order for the rebuild comes in, and something (the control layout) is spec'd differently, why is nobody double checking to make sure the change is actually wanted? This seems like common sense.
                There's the "5 or 6" main guys, or "master builders" or whatever Fender/Jackson wants to call them these days. But they're not involved with every stage of the build process for each guitar. There are plenty of people that Fender/Jackson employ that are doing the more mundane tasks like sanding, spraying paint,... applying logos etc.


                • It seams that a little extra communication would eliminate a lot of problems. It's 2010 and we now have the technological wonders called the digital camera - I have even heard some people have them built into cordless (cell) phones. All sarcasm aside, how many custom guitars are being built at a time? Is it really too much to ask to send a weekly progress pic? Errors would be spotted early and there are ways to fix things before they become unrepairable. I think the most frustrating thing for most of the CS orders that are screwed up is that they are not difficult problems. I would side with the CS shop if the buyer stated its not the correct shade of mauve. But, in this case it was a logo. For those that want to say the logo is nitpicking, than throw on a Cort or Memphis logo and accept that.

                  Seriously - a digital photo weekly at a minimum will solve most problems.


                  • Originally posted by MartinBarre1 View Post
                    *WTF happened in 1707?

                    "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                    • Oh right. Doesn't bother me, I'm British as well as Scottish.



                      • Originally posted by Grim View Post
                        That's beside the point. I think the general consensus here is that AK47 shouldn't accept this guitar and ask for another rebuild or a refund.

                        This thread is a hate thread. That I will not stand for.
                        Look, We understand this is a Jackson/Charvel fan forum, but while there's those forums that won't admit what's wrong with a product just so they can't cry about their favourite company having a bad CS image we aren't one of them, you pay a couple of grand to get your dream guitar, fair enough if you're going to take it when it has the wrong logo or any other defect but that's your choice, you pay for your dream guitar, not to wait 10-12 months to end up being expected to put up with "Oh here's your guitar, by the way, it's got a 24.75 scale instead of the 25.5 scale that you asked for." we understand people make mistakes but when you're paying prices as high as that the only way you can put up with it is patience, which some people do not have, fair enough if you do as AK clearly does, I could barely put up with waiting one year for a product, let alone 2 years, even after being put through 3 rebuilds he still wants that guitar, which sadly he still hasn't got.

                        This forum is for everyone, not just fanboys that refuse to get their dick out of jacksons hole just to preserve their favourite companies image.

                        Jackson DXMG
                        Jackson JS30RR
                        Boss ML2 Metalcore Pedal
                        Dunlop GCB-95 Crybaby
                        Blackstar HT5H
                        Marshall MC212

                        Gear I want

                        Jackson RR1T Black
                        Marshall JCM 800 2203
                        Marshall 1960A Cab


                        • I don't know if anyone is familiar with Opeth, but their forum was chock full of 100% fanboys. If anyone said anything negative about anything that band did, it was almost like stepping in a wasps nest. It got so bad that Opeth finally closed it down because all the people were assholes.
                          "I would have banned you for taking part in hijacking and derailing a thread when you could have started your own thread about your own topic." - Unknown


                          • Originally posted by Musician78 View Post
                            I don't know if anyone is familiar with Opeth, but their forum was chock full of 100% fanboys. If anyone said anything negative about anything that band did, it was almost like stepping in a wasps nest. It got so bad that Opeth finally closed it down because all the people were assholes.
                            I'm familiar with the name, haven't heard much of their music and when I have it was only because of my friends cover of Serenity Painted Deaths(?) solo but shit, that sounds pretty bad, I see why they closed it down.

                            Jackson DXMG
                            Jackson JS30RR
                            Boss ML2 Metalcore Pedal
                            Dunlop GCB-95 Crybaby
                            Blackstar HT5H
                            Marshall MC212

                            Gear I want

                            Jackson RR1T Black
                            Marshall JCM 800 2203
                            Marshall 1960A Cab


                            • Originally posted by ulijdavid View Post
                              It seams that a little extra communication would eliminate a lot of problems. It's 2010 and we now have the technological wonders called the digital camera - I have even heard some people have them built into cordless (cell) phones. All sarcasm aside, how many custom guitars are being built at a time? Is it really too much to ask to send a weekly progress pic? Errors would be spotted early and there are ways to fix things before they become unrepairable. I think the most frustrating thing for most of the CS orders that are screwed up is that they are not difficult problems. I would side with the CS shop if the buyer stated its not the correct shade of mauve. But, in this case it was a logo. For those that want to say the logo is nitpicking, than throw on a Cort or Memphis logo and accept that.

                              Seriously - a digital photo weekly at a minimum will solve most problems.
                              I think the problem with that is that the CS would send the photo, wait days or maybe weeks for a reply regarding, well anything. And for all that time they're waiting on the customer to reply, they could've been doing work on the guitar, and might even start another to fill the gap, get consumed in that project, and put off the current project waiting on the reply.

                              I don't know how the CS works, but I think a weekly photograph sesh probably wouldn't be the best idea. Maybe a monthly photograph, or just a photograph whenever the customer wants one would be good. Or even better, maybe before they do anything drastic, (such as drill holes for bridges/knobs/toggle switches, paint, etc), they send a photograph to the customer and wait for their approval. Bam, solved.

                              If any company uses my idea, I want royalties btw. Throw a WR1 my way? Nah I'm just kidding, a KE2 would do just fine
                              Last edited by MetalHeadMat; 09-10-2010, 01:28 AM.


                              • Originally posted by Musician78 View Post
                                I don't know if anyone is familiar with Opeth, but their forum was chock full of 100% fanboys. If anyone said anything negative about anything that band did, it was almost like stepping in a wasps nest. It got so bad that Opeth finally closed it down because all the people were assholes.
                                I'm familiar with both Opeth and that forum. It was ALWAYS full of fanboys and they were all fucking dickheads. The problem was, most of them were little 14 year olds who thought they were philosophers.
                                I'm surprised you appear to be an Opeth fan after your (seemingly) disparaging remark about Chuck Schuldiner's "vocals"!


