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Jackson model help

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  • Jackson model help

    I need for a little help. I don't know much about jacksons. Looking at the website I like the dinky, soloist, kelly, and Phil Collen. Besides the Phil Collen the rest are just different body shapes correct? The lines go from the JS to 3,2,1 lowest to highest quality? Where are the quality points in these different lines? How do they compare to the current line of charvels? I want a floyd rose since I've never had one and this will be my first "shredder" guitar. The plan is to replace the pickup with a ducan 78 for a little EVH tone.

  • #2
    JS = Indian made
    X/3/ = Japanese made
    1 = American made

    *Note, the DK2, is Japanese made, while the KE2 and SL2H are American made*

    I think other than pickups, the only differences are body shapes.

    I can't vouch for the new Charvel's, seeing as I've never tried one.


    • #3
      Great info. Are the Japanese models up to par with the US ones? Is it worth the extra cost of the US ones?


      • #4
        some will say that the quality difference is not enough to justify the cost difference. other will say buy usa if you can afford it. Others are just snobs and won't touch anything else but usa made.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Rich#6 View Post
          some will say that the quality difference is not enough to justify the cost difference. other will say buy usa if you can afford it. Others are just snobs and won't touch anything else but usa made.
          I'm a snob.

          And screw you, too.
          I like EL34s.


          • #6
            You can't get a (new) neckthru with a Floyd anywhere but a USA made, if I'm not mistaken. Also, IMO the licensed Floyds on the imports aren't up to par with the OFR used on USA.


            • #7
              Originally posted by cixelsyd View Post
              You can't get a (new) neckthru with a Floyd anywhere but a USA made, if I'm not mistaken. Also, IMO the licensed Floyds on the imports aren't up to par with the OFR used on USA.
              Sure you can. There's plenty of them. The KE5FR, KV5FR, RR24, RR5FR, SL3, SL3MG, SLAT3-6 and SLAT3-7 models all have Floyds and are neck-thru Japanese models.
              Crafted with the demands of the discernible player in mind, Jackson guitars give you the shapes, finishes and tones you love. From the venerable Rhoads, Soloist, Warrior and more, shop Jackson for the highest performance.

              Crafted with the demands of the discernible player in mind, Jackson guitars give you the shapes, finishes and tones you love. From the venerable Rhoads, Soloist, Warrior and more, shop Jackson for the highest performance.
              I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


              • #8
                Wow, I guess I need to spend more time drooling over the Jackson website

                Now if they only made an import neckthru Warrior...


                • #9
                  Japanese vs US. I'm guessing pretty close in quality? Mainly paying for 1. name (USA), 2. better pickups, 3. better floyd? So if the name doesn't matter and I'm going to change the pickups anyway that leaves the floyd rose. The models you listed contain that so that is a great starting point. How about the Japanese models that don't have an original floyd rose? Are their FR's nearly as good? That would open up the DK's, cheaper soloists and cheaper Kelly's to me.

                  Bottom line is that if I can spend a lot less and get an imported model that has the same quality I would like to go that route since I'm going to be changing the pickups. But... I can't stand a cheap feeling guitar.


                  • #10
                    USA Select Jacksons are made in a completely different way than the imports. They are done in small batches by the same guys who make the Custom Shop guitars, using the same methods. The hands-on time per guitar is much greater than it is for assembly-line built instruments. Does that always translate dollar for dollar into a better-playing, more flawless instrument? Maybe not always in these days of CNC manufacturing, but it's good to have the option to buy an instrument that is still made just like they were back in the '80s.

                    This is a good read:


                    Do they always get it perfect? Nope. There are plenty of threads here to attest to that, but there are tons of very happy customers, me included.
                    Last edited by dg; 09-30-2010, 12:11 PM.

