But it almost happened with AMIC.
Yeah my Guitar Center carries Schecter and ESP and a couple of other brands... Of junk. They only have a couple of LTD's and some cheap-ass Schecters, it's not like other brands' nice stuff are there to overshadow whatever cheap Jacksons they have (DK2M's and such).
The only nice guitars they have are Gibson, PRS, and Fender. Why? Because like it or not, that's what most adults with $1000+ to drop on a guitar are buying. And those aren't exactly flying off the shelves either, they've got maybe 5 - 10 guitars of that caliber out of a store with well over 100 guitars on the wall.
Guitar Center is to musical instruments as Wal Mart is to... Everything. Bargain price-point shoppers. Support your boutique retailers with Charvel and Jackson dollars and maybe you'll see some stock carried. :dunno:
Yeah my Guitar Center carries Schecter and ESP and a couple of other brands... Of junk. They only have a couple of LTD's and some cheap-ass Schecters, it's not like other brands' nice stuff are there to overshadow whatever cheap Jacksons they have (DK2M's and such).
The only nice guitars they have are Gibson, PRS, and Fender. Why? Because like it or not, that's what most adults with $1000+ to drop on a guitar are buying. And those aren't exactly flying off the shelves either, they've got maybe 5 - 10 guitars of that caliber out of a store with well over 100 guitars on the wall.
Guitar Center is to musical instruments as Wal Mart is to... Everything. Bargain price-point shoppers. Support your boutique retailers with Charvel and Jackson dollars and maybe you'll see some stock carried. :dunno: