I started playing guitar around 11 or 12 (29 Now) and I had a shitty Harmony that I though was cool... anyway one of my friends got a Squier strat and well it blew my Harmony out of the water... so for my 14th birthday my parents took my down to the music store... and I wanted a Squier just like my buddies because that is all I knew... so I was there with the sales dude and I started playing "For Whom the Bell Tolls" right when he heard that he got up and went in the back room and came out with two guitars a Fusion Pro and a USA Soloist Jackson... well the USA was $800 and my rents didn't have that kind of play money and the Pro was $400 which was still crazy expensive for a birthday present in my house, but they bought it and the rest is history... never felt like I needed another guitar for anything... pretty much why I only have one... If I could find that sales dude I would not be able to thank him enough... I could have walked out of that place with a Dumbass SQUIER!!! 
Instead my 1990 Fusion Pro has played like a dream since the day I got it.
It is by far my most valued possession

Instead my 1990 Fusion Pro has played like a dream since the day I got it.
It is by far my most valued possession