My friend wants to buy a Jackson SLSMG and was wondering where to buy it from? What websites give the best deals and ships to Iceland.
How much might it cost to ship it, and do you think they will accept Icelandic credit cards? I heard some people had problem with that in 2008 when the crisis was in all time high or something, I don't know much about that now...
I think he would prefer a new one instead of a used one of ebay.
Iceland is btw not in the European Union if that matters.
How much might it cost to ship it, and do you think they will accept Icelandic credit cards? I heard some people had problem with that in 2008 when the crisis was in all time high or something, I don't know much about that now...
I think he would prefer a new one instead of a used one of ebay.
Iceland is btw not in the European Union if that matters.