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A Jackson Add in Guitar World...

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  • A Jackson Add in Guitar World...

    I got my issue of guitar world today and I noticed that the Jackson add was simply a big X with some weird symbols/ graphics on it. Does anyone know what this means? New x series guitars coming out? Maybe something to do with a 10th anniversary of something?

    Any idea what this is? I am hoping for new Jacksons...

    EDIT: I am also going to now talk about the Charvel Add, The title says "Desolation" and there is a pic of a Les Paul Style Headstock with the Charvel Logo on it with a quilt/maple top and some abalone binding and blocks. THAT has my attention, looks like some new Charvel models.
    Last edited by church2224; 07-19-2011, 02:27 PM.

  • #2
    I want to know too...
    JB aka BenoA

    Clips and other tunes by BenoA / My Soundcloud page / My YouTube page
    Guitar And Sound (GAS) forum / Boss Katana Amps FB group


    • #3
      Maybe it means 10 color options for models other than the USA Select series. Their finish selection sucks for the other models.
      HTTP 404 - Signature Not Found


      • #4
        Maybe it means that you need 10 weeks salary to afford a Jackson Custom shop guitar. Or maybe the wait list is now 10 years?


        • #5
          Everyone is making 8 strings these days... May be Jackson will be doing a 10 string guitar!

          Or a 10 frets like the Soctt Ian's "NOT" soloist...
          JB aka BenoA

          Clips and other tunes by BenoA / My Soundcloud page / My YouTube page
          Guitar And Sound (GAS) forum / Boss Katana Amps FB group


          • #6
            Maybe EMGX loaded series? Makes sense to me. The MG series is aging and limited. We'll see I guess.
            An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
            A tooth for a tooth means we all eat through a straw.


            • #7
              A new Jenna model?
              Jackson KV2
              Jackson KE1T
              Jackson KE1F
              Jackson SL1


              • #8
                What issue are you talking about here? I have the August issue and it contains not a single Jackson or Charvel ad that i can see. The July Issue (Rhoads cover) has a Broderick Jackson ad in it.
                GTWGITS! - RacerX


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Hellbat View Post
                  What issue are you talking about here? I have the August issue and it contains not a single Jackson or Charvel ad that i can see. The July Issue (Rhoads cover) has a Broderick Jackson ad in it.
                  September. I just got it today in the mail.


                  • #10
                    Ah, okay they haven't hit the stands around here yet. Probably a week or two away.
                    GTWGITS! - RacerX


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by church2224 View Post
                      September. I just got it today in the mail.
                      They do realize that its still july right?

                      I doubt it would be a X series, unless they're gonna copy ibanez.

                      Maybe like, upgraded models, SL2H-X kinda thing?

                      That or maybe they just thought Xs are cool and would attract attention. Lol
                      I'm going to give you the keys to the Lamborghini


                      • #12
                        post a pic, eh?
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                        • #13
                          It's not an X, it's actually a multiplication sign, which means that Jackson will be raising their MSRPs and CS prices by multiplying them by some ridiculously huge number.
                          It's all about the blues-rock chatter.

                          Originally posted by RD
                 now I have this massive empty house with my Harley, Guns, Guitar and nothing else...


                          • #14
                            Ohh its almost 2012, didn't fmic buy jackson in 2002? 10 years since the buyout
                            I'm going to give you the keys to the Lamborghini


                            • #15
                              I was just at there site and there is a white 30th anniversary RR5FR with 3 X's on it. It's in the rotating line of stuff on the main page.
                              I want to go out nice and peaceful in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming and hollering like the passengers in his car.

