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NGD - SL3 Soloist - need some help

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  • NGD - SL3 Soloist - need some help

    Hey guys...I happened to stop in a local music shop today and while I didn't plan on buying anything, on the wall was a used SL3 trans red (with the chrome hardware). It had a small ding on the tip of the headstock, was missing the back plate, and there were no locking blocks (at the headstock) for the 'Floyd' bridge.

    While it's a Japanese model, and I usually stay with the US stuff, I couldn't pass it up. 500 bucks out the door...and I know these things go for close to double that new (I think that's accurate).

    So I got it home...put a backplate on there..cause I have a little OCD ...and I touched up the ding with some of the wife's nail polish. Then I cleaned it up, changed out the strings, and used a little 'Gorgamite' on the fretboard. The friggin guitar looks brand new at this point...alothough I do need to get those blocks for the floyd (standard OFR blocks are just slightly too big)

    So all was good with the world...until I plugged it in This thing felt perfect in my hands....the action was good...string tension good...I like the thin neck and access to the upper frets...but here's the problem. I pretty much always play in the bridge position. This guitar, even with the volume and tone knobs opened all the way up...the best way I can describe it sounds like it's only turned up to 2 (for both volume and tone). There's almost no sustain...and like I sounds like every other one of my guitars turned to 2. Very weird. I'm no stranger to JBs..I use them in 3 of my other I know what they're supposed to sound like..and this is not it.

    I've read that the stock pots in this guitar are shit...but to be honest....I can't imagine any pots taking this much away from the sound of any guitar...well....almost any guitar.

    Anyway...I'm no guitar tech...I can do simple setups...but I don't work well with a soldering iron...I'm going to have to take this over to my tech. I just would love to know what's the deal before I even bring it to him. If there's something 'unfixable' here, I'm just gonna return it. But I'd like to think this is something simple..cause I really dig the guitar. Here's a couple pics.

    I appreciate any replies/suggestions...

    Todd M

  • #2
    Are the neck and middle pickups weak too? If not, Id suspect the switch or the JB, more than likely the switch. Ive seen pickups go bad, but its rather rare. It doesnt sound like anything un-fixable. If all the pickups are weak, Id suspect the OP jack first. Ive had to replace the one in my DKMGTFF at least 3 times for getting worn out and being the cause of mysterious volume drops. Also, if all three pickups are weak, troubleshoot the jack by pulling hard on the input cable to one side and see if the volume comes back. You may have to try this at various angles, but if your volume comes back then its for sure your jack, you may even be able to remedy it yourself by cleaning and re-tensioning the positive contact in that event. If that doesnt yield a different result, I still would suspect the jack, theyre cheap to replace and probably a good idea to do so anyhow. If that doesnt solve the problem, Id continue back to the switch, but it would be odd that the switch be bad in all 5 positions.
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    • #3
      The good thing is it's more than likely a simple fix. I'd think it's just the volume pot or the switch. I have an SL3 too and they're great guitars.
      Open up that control cavity and let's see what it's like inside.



      • #4
        Thanks guys....I'm going to go with your certainly isn't a big expense to replace everything...the jack, switch and both pots. I used to do this in my older guitars years ago...when I was buying more used stuff. My most recent 9 or 10 guitars have been new...and US made premium replacement parts haven't been too much of an issue lately.

        This is a really nice if it's just a matter of changing a few of the electronic parts, I'm certainly up for that.

        Oh...and yeah...all the pickups seem weak/low volume. And to be that I'm thinking about it...when I switch over to the bridge pickup by itself, it almost doesn't sound any different than the bridge/middle config....if that means anything.

        Thanks again..I really appreciate the replies!

        Todd M


        • #5
          Just take off the rear cover, it's only three screws. There might be something obviously wrong - you can find an HSS wiring diagram on the Seymour Duncan website to check it against.

          I'd put my money on the pots being a bit dodgy, you can get a couple of those and an orange drop cap for about $15 I'd imagine. Also take out the jack socket and have a look at that - often you can narrow down a problem by waggling each component until you hear a difference in the sound (like a volume jump/drop) then just replace that part.

          One thing though, the newer SL3s have real Floyd Roses in them I believe, which is one reason why they're more expensive. Yours (and mine) have the cheaper Jackson trem - I think you still got a good deal, just maybe not as good as you thought (I'm not sure of the US pricing to be honest, but $500 doesn't seem an incredible bargain to me).
          You've got a great guitar though, my SL3 is probably the best guitar I've ever played.



          • #6
            Originally posted by MartinBarre View Post
            Just take off the rear cover, it's only three screws. There might be something obviously wrong - you can find an HSS wiring diagram on the Seymour Duncan website to check it against.

            I'd put my money on the pots being a bit dodgy, you can get a couple of those and an orange drop cap for about $15 I'd imagine. Also take out the jack socket and have a look at that - often you can narrow down a problem by waggling each component until you hear a difference in the sound (like a volume jump/drop) then just replace that part.

            One thing though, the newer SL3s have real Floyd Roses in them I believe, which is one reason why they're more expensive. Yours (and mine) have the cheaper Jackson trem - I think you still got a good deal, just maybe not as good as you thought (I'm not sure of the US pricing to be honest, but $500 doesn't seem an incredible bargain to me).
            You've got a great guitar though, my SL3 is probably the best guitar I've ever played.

            Thanks for the reply man! I appreciate the suggestions.
            In reference to the bridge...the newer SL3s do have Floyd Rose bridges....but they really are no different (in terms of quality) than the 'Jackson' one on this guitar...I believe they're all Korean made, no?... I doubt that would have much effect on least not compared to guitars that come equipped with the real-deal German made FR's. Other than the bridge itself, the rest of the guitar is no different than the newest SL3s (at least that I can find).

            Even taking into account the new ones have 'real' Floyd Rose's...all else being equal, these guitars go for $1299 on that's without the 'trans' colors. This thing that I bought isn't mint condition...but it's close. With all of that, I thought, and especially after researching it a little more, 500 was a pretty good deal. And considering I rarely spend less than 1500-2000 for any guitar, at least I'm not in the doghouse with the fun police this time Best part is, if I found out after, it was a piece of junk, or if it wasn't a good deal...I've got thirty days to return it for a full refund. Provided I can get this problem with the electronics sorted out, I think I want to keep it.

            Thanks again.

            Todd M


            • #7
              Maybe you can have the local music shop fix it for free? Bring it back to them and have them plug it in to see for themselves. If they have no interest in fixing it maybe you can get them to knock a few bucks off the price.


              • #8
                I just want to reply to my own most recent post...not sure what this means...but I looked at the trem block, and it says "Takeuchi - Made in Japan". So I guess I was wrong...this is not a Korean made Licensed Floyd...

                Carbuff...I'd bring it back to them, but they're two hours away. If I do, ultimately, need to return it, I can do so the next time I'm in that area (once again...I've got 30 days)....but if it's just a matter of replacing some hardware, I don't mind shelling out 40-50 bucks (if even that)'s worth it at the end of the day, if it fixes this problem.

                I want to mention one other thing...I had said that standard Floyd Rose nut blocks (12mm) don't fit this nut...I have been searching all morning for this part (which appears to be 11mm). Does anyone have any idea where I can find these things. I know I could buy a whole new nut....but it appears that this nut is lower profile than standard FR nuts...meaning, I can't buy something that's too high, as opposed to buying a nut that's too low, and then using a shim. I can't understand why in the world, if Jackson wants to use their own (FR licensed) parts...why in the world wouldn't they use parts that are at least interchangeable. This is a real pain in the ass trying to find what should be a simple part.

                Anyway....thanks again
                Last edited by veniculum; 07-24-2011, 12:59 PM.
                Todd M


                • #9
                  Looks like you have an older one there.

                  i have an SL3 and it has an OFR and the JB sounds huge. i notice yours has a liscensed jackson tremelo.
                  no chance to test it plugged in at the shop?

                  once you get this issue fixed it really is a great guitar


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by danolikestoscoot View Post
                    Looks like you have an older one there.

                    i have an SL3 and it has an OFR and the JB sounds huge. i notice yours has a liscensed jackson tremelo.
                    no chance to test it plugged in at the shop?

                    once you get this issue fixed it really is a great guitar
                    You really said nothing there we haven't already said, FFS.

                    This guy will sell you the blocks you need:



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MartinBarre View Post
                      You really said nothing there we haven't already said, FFS.

                      This guy will sell you the blocks you need:
                      Thanks for the link man! I went to this ebay store, and while he's got a lot of floyd rose parts (42mm, 43mm...R2, R3, and R4 nuts, etc)...nothing specifying Takeuchi...or Jackson licensed FRs. Do you know if this guy replies to requests for specific parts?

                      I may just throw this out there in the WTB forum. Anyway..I'll keep trying. Thanks again buddy!
                      Todd M


                      • #12
                        I wouldn't be afraid of the Takeuchi trem I have one in a guitar that is over 20 years old and it still works fine. Granted I'm no Vai with it but I do use it. As far as the volume issue it sounds like a ground issue if it does it every way you switch it. Start at the jack and work your way in, I've had the the jack be dirty and some creative cleaning solve the problem. Either way good luck, you have a beautiful guitar there and I would have given the same money as you did.
                        I want to go out nice and peaceful in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming and hollering like the passengers in his car.


                        • #13
                          You should be able to sort out the electronics issue using the suggestions made above. I bet it's a bad pot.

                          A used SL1 goes for about $1,100 in the US. I've seen SL3's go for about $500 to $600 on average. I've had two Takeuchi trems and it is one of the better MIJ LFR's. If the block is painted black it is most likely solid brass. Also, the screw hole spacing on the base plate is wider than on an OFR so you won't be able to upgrade the block easily if that is something you planned on doing.

                          Looks nice! Enjoy it.


                          • #14
                            I'm going to have my tech take care of the electronics. The problem I have right now is getting the nut blocks for this trem...they are IMPOSSIBLE to find online...after a day of searching.
                            Todd M


                            • #15
                              just order a new nut ...

