I don't think Harmony (India) has ever done neckthrough Jacksons though...hmmm.
No announcement yet.
Jackson's new X series!
So, after so many years of pleading and bitching on this forum we finally get lots of binding on imports, a string-thru/neckthru King V as well as other additional stringthru choices, 24 fret Rhoads models with two humbuckers... hell yeah!
Well done, Jackson. Well done.
Originally posted by Mercenary View PostAlso, HMI has over a decade of experience making Jacksons and they have a decent factory which is climate controlled. So, to me it's the logical choice.
My KSXT was Indian made, and the basics of the guitar (body and neck) are solid. It was everything else (JT-500 trem, cheap electronics) that they seemed to cheap out on. Even stupid things like screws were cheap metal that easily stripped out. Once I replaced all of that with quality parts the guitar was great. That was over 10 years ago, so I imagine the production has advanced a bit and as long as the solid basics are there (decent wood, solid neck) and the lower price point these are great candidates for mods. While I'm not excited about the floyd rose special, at least it will have a nice fitted route for an Original Floyd, since the JT 580lp routes are huge and there is that annoying space on the left side of the bridge.
Originally posted by pro-fusion View PostCould be, but since FMIC is making the Charvel Desolations and the Squier line in China, it would seem more likely that they would direct low-end Jackson production that way, also. I'm assuming it's all coming from the same factory. The Chinese Squiers have been pretty decent lately, so that's actually a good sign.GEAR:
some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!
some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!
and finally....
i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!
Originally posted by Mercenary View PostI read an article on Harmony Musical Instruments and it said that Fender thinks very highly of them, has them rated above China, and wanted them to double their production by 2012.
Also, HMI has over a decade of experience making Jacksons and they have a decent factory which is climate controlled. So, to me it's the logical choice.Let's cross our fingers!
"Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)
Just what I wanted. KVXT! And it's available in Quicksilver!!!
I got to get me one of those, although at those prices I sincerely hope they are at least Korean, not Indian or Chinese.I <3 DR Strings.
2007 Jackson KV2
2006 Schecter C1 Blackjack
Randall RG75G2
Line 6 PODxt
Any ideas on when they'll hit the US market?
I went to my local shop yesterday and was told they pooled all their monies for Ibanez and LTD. No new J/C on the way. I guess I'll read a few reviews first, then if I still want one, I'll have to order it. bummer...."illegal downloading saved people from having to buy that piece of shit you tried to pass off as music" - Nighbat
Once these show up for sale SOMEWHERE lol I will buy a KVXT and report back as to original and quality etc. I can't tell you how long I've waited for a production neck thru KV with a string-thru bridge. I thought it'd never happen! I'm all over a KVXT in silver the very moment I can find one!- Adam