I like my Jackson RR5, and may want to purchase more Jacksons in the future, but the one thing is that Jacksons have Jumbo frets, and I have some ESP's that have Extra Jumbo frets, and it seems like with Extra Jumbo my bending is a bit easier to do.
I love Jacksons, but I sort of just wish the frets were taller. Do any of you experience this as well?
But another thing is that my only Jackson is also a string-thru body, so I'm wondering if that is maybe what is causing it to be harder to bend. Because I also have a string-thru Agile with what I believe are Extra Jumbo frets, but it still seems hard to bend.
I love Jacksons, but I sort of just wish the frets were taller. Do any of you experience this as well?
But another thing is that my only Jackson is also a string-thru body, so I'm wondering if that is maybe what is causing it to be harder to bend. Because I also have a string-thru Agile with what I believe are Extra Jumbo frets, but it still seems hard to bend.