Hey guys...I got a two part question for you. First question is...does anyone know what brand/type of strings Jackson puts on their USA models at the factory? I know they're 9 gauge....but I don't know what type. My guess is, they're not D'Addario...only because I play D'Addario, primarily...and they don't have that bright sound that i love about those strings...at least I don't think they do. Of course, mine (SL 2H) may have been sitting in a warehouse for a while...and I would imagine that can't be good for any set of strings.
The second part of my question is in regards to steel picks (and how they affect certain strings). I was at GC the other day, and they actually had some steel pics in stock ('Ice Picks')...I had to try them out, as I've never used them before. Wouldn't you know it...but I really liked the feel and sound of them. That said, my concern is that these picks are pretty rough on standard guitar strings....particularly 9 gauge strings. I say that because I noticed, especially, on the D and A strings, they wore down considerably in the area where I'm picking. So I guess what I'd like to know is, does anyone use these picks..and if so, what are your thoughts on how they affect (not the sound), but the life of the strings. I know there are a few well known guitarists who use these picks...but I doubt they're worried about the effect on the strings....God knows they can afford new strings...probably every time they pick up the guitar
I appreciate your comments and feedback.
Thanks...I look forward to reading your replies!
The second part of my question is in regards to steel picks (and how they affect certain strings). I was at GC the other day, and they actually had some steel pics in stock ('Ice Picks')...I had to try them out, as I've never used them before. Wouldn't you know it...but I really liked the feel and sound of them. That said, my concern is that these picks are pretty rough on standard guitar strings....particularly 9 gauge strings. I say that because I noticed, especially, on the D and A strings, they wore down considerably in the area where I'm picking. So I guess what I'd like to know is, does anyone use these picks..and if so, what are your thoughts on how they affect (not the sound), but the life of the strings. I know there are a few well known guitarists who use these picks...but I doubt they're worried about the effect on the strings....God knows they can afford new strings...probably every time they pick up the guitar

I appreciate your comments and feedback.
Thanks...I look forward to reading your replies!